
Vexvertigo t1_iy2vddf wrote

It’s easier and less diluted by the binding liquid. It ends up tasting a lot closer to the taste of the cheese you use unless you melt it in something like beer. It’s also a lot more stable and can be reheated without breaking


Vexvertigo t1_iy2qgiu wrote

Probably not, but it's not expensive to order it online. You can get more than you'll use in years for like $10. Just look for food grade trisodium citrate. It's just a type of salt. It's basically what they use to make American cheese and Velveeta.


Vexvertigo t1_iy257l6 wrote

You add a pinch to a cup of boiling liquid. Beer, milk, water, or whatever. Then add shredded/crumbled cheese a handful at a time. Now you have a smooth cheese sauce. Sodium citrate keeps the oil from separating out from the cheese. You can turn any cheese into a liquid