
WAT0020 t1_j6mvsuw wrote

My latest thinking on it is we won't be doing anything until we are downloadable.

Quantum Computing- 10 years, 50, or 1000 years from now to never, I rule out never because it's happening, is a fundamental outcome of evolution, and once fully replicated we are off to meet the aliens, just one little stumbling block a vexing thing called lightspeed.


WAT0020 t1_ixu8egr wrote

It’s a theory that describes how the universe began and scientists agreed that the universe was created with an event known as the Big Bang.

Terminological theories are built from standing on the shoulders of giants as Isaac would say and it is amazing, we have an understanding of so much and that evidence is all around us, with that knowledge and understanding forever expanding like the universe.

Google to learn more on the subject and don’t waste your time on goat herders’ books.