
WIHachillies t1_iycyi2s wrote

Chaos is many things. The chaos of the world constantly bickers with each other. The chaos of love and marriage, constant arguments between couples. However, there's nothing more chaotic than a classroom of rowdy teenagers. This is coming from the deity of Chaos themself and the fact there's something more chaotic than them is a terrifying thought. Chaos was pale, very pale, with gaunt skin. Basically skinny to where you can see his skeleton. They were aware of the whispers in the teachers' lounge, about how they were scaring the children or creeping them out. Maybe they should try to get them arrested, but Chaos could easily put them through hell.

That doesn't matter right now, right now. There's a class to focus on, and Chaos's voice shouts out, "Class, please quiet down! There's an important announcement." Their voice drew, knowing it will get the class's attention.

"What's up Jack!" One of the class clowns snickered. "What could be the important announcement when school didn't even start yet?"

Chaos grinned sharply, scaring the class slightly. "We're going on a special field trip!" They cheered. "Unauthorized, but it's a field trip."

Another student shyly raised her hand. "Excuse me? Mr. Haus? What do you mean unauthorized? Don't you need permission?" She squeaked out.

Chaos nodded in agreement, "Normally you're right, Miss Jaclyn." They paused for dramatic effect. "Do you think they'll allow you to go to Greece this late in the year?"

That's when Chaos, not them, is was unleashed in the classroom. Many questions and statements were reined out in class.

"What the hell do you mean, to teach? How do you even have the money to do such a large trip?"

"There's no way we're going to Greece, I know our current chapter is on it and all. But there's no way you're trying to emerge us in the culture!"

"When are we going?"

"Is it a requirement?"

Slamming their hand into the desk, shutting the many questions that was heading their way. "You'll discover the truth eventually, now I need a group of hands of who's going or not." Pulling out a piece of paper from underneath his desk.

The first duo of hands raised, two twins class clowns. A girl and boy.

Another hand raised from the teacher's pet, mumbling something about the logistics of this.

Everyone else's hand raised one after the other. Chaos smiled at this revelation, "I'm so glad everyone agreed! You didn't have a choice anyway, we're going right now!"

The class shouts in shock as Chaos raised her arms, windows breaking as swirling mist consumes the students one by one. "This should be fun." As chaos walked through the mist following his students.


WIHachillies t1_iycv27q wrote

Ever since this stupid world awakened their genes to read minds, it's been harder and harder to hide the truth from people. The world was already in shambles and barely formed back into a working society. How will they react when they realize a dragon from a completely different plane of existence is walking amongst them? I always used my human form though, and as long as I keep my thoughts on human-related things, I should be fine. My thoughts kept trailing aimlessly. Then again, I smiled to myself. When in doubt, I can just merge worlds and let more chaos in. As long as my secret is hidden, I don't care that much.

Fixing my hair into a ponytail, I sighed heavily before wearing a crop top with shorts. Love showed off my muscular physique, then I prepared my preferred breakfast. Pancakes with mayonnaise, it was so delicious! I never understood why no one tried this combo out, it was one of the best flavors in the world. After putting up the dishes, I walked outside and began my trek to the city. Living in the forest has its perks and disadvantages, one of the perks is being able to do your rituals in peace and the disadvantage is walking to the city for trips. There are a couple of reasons for going to the city today and one reason is to get supplies for rituals. Good thing they actually believe in the powers of crystals and powers beyond their mortal understanding.

This store had one of the best ingredients for a while. Walking inside, I picked up my routine. Some crystals and salamander feet. Anything else that came to mind, I picked up holding a large bag of supplies. Subconsciously making my way to the counter, my thoughts was on a new ritual. A spell to leech some of the other plane life force. Snapping their fingers, someone grabbed my attention.

"Yeah, screw you too! Asshole." She shouted back. There was something wrong, though. What ritual? What other world? This damn gene is a curse and she will figure out who the spell is for. Spells can't exist, right?

I bowed my head in apology, reaching into my pocket and placing down a hundred-dollar bill."You can keep the rest, I don't care." Grabbing the bag and walking out of the store.

"Yeah, screw you too! Asshole." She shouted back. There was something wrong, though. What ritual? What other world? This damn gene is a curse and she will figure out who the spell is for. Spells can't exist right?


WIHachillies t1_iycolsr wrote

Thank you for your critique !! I was kinda out of it I was writing mostly, I was working on some homework but that's no excuse !!

I wasn't thinking of Nox being a molester. And that wasn't a reason why Nox convinced to change her name, There was another reason that haven't been revealed yet. I asked a couple of my friends and they said it's okay for teachers to touch kids as long as it isn't like that. I imagined as it as playfully ruffling. But i understand, I'll rewrite it :))


WIHachillies t1_iy9byl7 wrote

Nox was an English teacher at Inanoi Middle School and was currently tutoring one of their favorite kids. She was always well-behaved in class, always getting student of the month. Her name is Nay. Pointing out something was wrong with her essay, "You forgot your period again." It was a simple mistake, but she quickly corrected it. Nay subconsciously picked up her phone. Nox went to ask to put it down. Then she quickly started packing up her stuff.

"Thank you, Mx. Nox! My mom is here!" The girl cheered as she packed up all her papers.

"I'll walk you to the door to see you off." They cooed and playfully ruffled the kid's hair.

Amber whined about her hair being messed up but skipped towards the door and opened it, beckoning her teacher to follow. Nox followed, giggling softly as they made their way to the front of the school. Amber was rambling about her day but wasn't paying much attention. They were thinking about going on patrol soon and, hopefully; they don't run into their nemesis. It's so annoying to deal with their teasing and flirting, making them feel these stupid emotions. They shook their head trying to get rid of the thought of their nemesis. Amber rubbed against Nox's leg trying to grab their attention. "My mom is here!"

Paying attention, Nox looked down and then up to see someone that she was at least expecting. That damn Nemesis has a kid, and that kid is my student. Some petty revenge won't hurt anyone, right? "Hey Amber, is it okay I meet your mom?" Nox asked gently.

Amber looked up and tilted her head, raising one of her eyebrows curiously. Shrugging her shoulders, she kept skipping along until she arrived in front of her mom. "Hey, Mom! Meet Mx. Nox. This is my teacher." Her tone was cheerful.

Her mom looked at Nox, raising her hand to shake before examining their frame. "Oh!" A small grin appeared on her face, "Mx. Nox? I see, you didn't tell me you have such a beautiful teacher." Seductive tone almost immediate.

Nox didn't want to stand for this for once. "Amber, I didn't know you had such a pretty mom." Giggling a little.

The mom flushed wasn't expecting such a comment and shot Nox a soft glare before shoving her kid in the car. "Let's go, Amber! I have work to do." She cackled as she got in and rode off.