
WardStradlater t1_j69dng1 wrote

They would be more likely to experience botulism from colonized food that had a lower amount of bacteria that was already colonized yes, but from just the minute amount of spores found in SOME types of honey? Probably not. It may be possible but certainly not common. Antibiotics don’t completely remove the bacterial flora from your intestines, nor do they really change the other natural defenses the body builds up in the GI Tract other than just the flora. Sure, antibiotics kill a large number of your healthy intestinal bacteria which makes it easier for opportunistic bacteria like C. diff to take over, but they don’t completely wipe everything out. I have not heard of a case of an adult being confirmed to have been colonized by botulism from spores found in honey to the point where it actually colonized internally and began secreting the toxin. But if your flora is messed up you are certainly more susceptible to any bacterial colonization that Is consumed.


WardStradlater t1_j68o8g5 wrote

So the exact reason behind why isn’t 100% understood, in fact it took ages to figure out which foods were more likely linked to infant botulism (like honey) and is just a very easy thing to eliminate from infants diets to lower the risk. Infants aren’t born with a developed GI flora of good bacteria which help defend itself, instead their intestines are basically ready to develop their flora by being exposed to good bacteria that can colonize and develop a defense network, thus when the spores are introduced to an infants GI tract, they’re far more likely to colonize and take over in an infant and begin producing the actual botulism toxin that causes infant botulism. An adult’s flora is well developed and the spores don’t have a chance to colonize and begin producing this toxin in the intestines before being destroyed.

However, adults can still get botulism but this is because they eat food that doesn’t just have the spores there, it’s because they’re eating food that has already had the botulism colonize in it, thus it’s already a colonized/grown and heavily present with the actual botulism toxin that the bacteria colonies produce. Nearly anyone that ingests food already colonized with botulism bacteria is going to end up with foodborne-botulism regardless of age of intestinal flora development. An infant is just more susceptible to infant botulism because their intestines are susceptible to allowing the spores to begin colonizing, producing botulism bacteria, and having the botulism toxin produced inside of them.


WardStradlater t1_iybjv9q wrote

They likely were not taking enough out this year for the projected property taxes and insurance, so they’re increasing it to make sure the escrow account is not short again. They decide how much extra to take each month to put towards the escrow account based on projected property taxes and insurance for the next year, so they could have undershot this years by a lot, and are trying to compensate for this year and estimating another increase for next year as well. That’s a pretty hefty increase though.

Have you gotten anything from your home owners insurance about increase In premiums? Have you had any claims this year?


WardStradlater t1_iybfel5 wrote

Reply to comment by tMeepo in Job offer and counter-offer by peptalks93

I guess, but it depends on the field and company, my last company had zero progression ability because management were all in their position for years and the max annual raise was 2%. So there was no room for growth at all. That’s why I asked about the growth and raises everything.


WardStradlater t1_iy2ctl0 wrote


The way you ask the question seems to more be asking about societal acceptance of only having one outfit, not necessarily logistics of it. If people saw you in the same outfit every day they would think that you were dirty and not washing your clothing and so they would think that it’s gross. Even if you could manage to wash the outfit every day, your clothes would break down quickly and you would soon have very tattered and raggedy clothing which would also make people think you’re dirty and gross.


WardStradlater t1_ixurfyp wrote

Probably the latter. We all use wayyyy more detergent than is actually needed. I watched an interesting video online from a professional laundromat owner that showed how modern detergent is so concentrated that using more than one pod or a small capful is actually super bad for the clothes and the machine. In that same video he talked about how fabric softener is actually harmful for clothes and your washer too and recommends using natural fabric softeners like vinegar as well.

EDIT: I’m not chastising you either, I openly admit that I use wayyyy too much detergent hahaa. I’m a nurse so I’m paranoid about my clothes not being clean enough or the washer having bacteria in it for the kids clothes to get dirtied by when washing theirs separate.


WardStradlater t1_ixtxs3x wrote

Distilled white vinegar has been a lifesaver for me. Every few weeks I will run 1-2 hot cycles set to the largest load with the highest wash setting and I use far more white vinegar than is probably needed (it’s super cheap so whatever) once the water is filled and the cycle starts I open the lid and then let it sit for like 30 minutes not washing, then I use a sponge and scrub the inside, under the lid, everything. Then I remove the fabric softener cup from the center because that stuff cakes inside the tube, and I thoroughly clean that. Then close the lid and let it finish washing, finishing and spinning. Then i typically do a second cycle with vinegar again or sometimes one is good enough. Usually does the trick.


WardStradlater t1_iu503p7 wrote

As someone who has had to deal with a lot of older garage doors in my youth, this is definitely makeshift and not assembled correctly hahaha. This is the result of someone’s spouse nagging them for 6 months to fix it and drunkenly coming up with a solution on a Saturday night.


WardStradlater t1_iu4zutj wrote

That’s not a torsion spring it’s an extension spring, which might be why you’re having trouble finding anything by searching. Try searching side extension spring replacement videos. Anyway, they are honestly easier in my opinion than the newer torsion springs that are overhead. Just open the garage all the way (this ensures the least amount of tension is on the spring) then you can use a ladder if you have one that’s big enough, or a stack of sturdy objects to support the door in case it moves at all to prevent it from closing down on you, then once that’s done remove that circle pin, slide the flat safety bar off and use gloves to hold the spring and slide that chain link off the post and then you can disassemble everything without any tension.