
t1_jeasg3f wrote

>LI5 means friendly, simplified and layperson-accessible explanations - not responses aimed at literal five-year-olds.


If we literally answered like people were five, it'd be way less helpful and probably fairly condescending. If a question isn't quite clear enough, nobody (well, most) won't be offended if you ask for more clarity.


t1_je2mbj2 wrote

If we suppose the amount of oxygen "lost" is equal to the CO2 added, which is oversimplified but close enough to get the point across, then the atmosphere has increased by about .02% CO2 over the last few centuries.

The atmosphere is about 21% oxygen, so you can see how that's basically a rounding error with regards to oxygen level.


t1_jdk4ia9 wrote

The "crap in a can" is cream. The propellant is nitrous oxide, which is inert and tastes slightly sweet.

Additionally a lot of restaurants/cafes will just use a refillable version of the "crap in a can", which uses individual nitrous oxide chargers that you can swap out.

Get off your high horse.


t1_j9s2pbp wrote

Regarding your last point, some of the mass gain is going to be mitigated from water as a byproduct of hydrocarbon burning, but then also to consider is that a higher average temp is going to correlate with a lower average pressure.

Not sure which factor would win out, I'd tend to think the temp increase would be a larger factor and therefore lower pressure


t1_j6e00rn wrote

> water dowsing is controversial

Weird how people say "controversial" when pretending like witchcraft is real in any other situation is immediately laughable.

When dowsers are successful, it's because they take cues from the landscape. Not a funny twig and some magic.


t1_iyc2s6k wrote

I wasn't trying to be clever, I was just choosing random numbers.

You're right, though, and you definitely can use long multiplication to multiply any two rationals using only addition (though not sure if/how you can reduce to the lowest terms).

I got lost/distracted and started arguing something I didn't mean to initially. My initial argument that I still hold is that you can't define multiplication as simply repeated addition, and to further clarify I mean strictly that if you multiply a and b you add a to itself b-1 times.


t1_iybupyc wrote

>the multiplication and division symbols strictly indicate that the multiplication or division must occur between the numbers on either side of the multiplication or division symbol

Because of the convention of the order of operations. If we instead changed that to say that addition/subtraction is before multiplication/division, then it would be just as valid to say that

2+3 x 4+8 x 7+2

could be arranged as

4+8 x 7+2 x 2+3