
Weibuller t1_iyb2sk8 wrote

It's quite possible that NASA worked with that couple to conduct a confidential experiment around having sex in space. For the very long term flights that will certainly happen sometime in the future, it's a question that will have to be answered eventually.

I just wouldn't expect NASA to advertise that they did that. There would certainly be a group of people objecting to the idea that tax money was spent for such an endeavor.


Weibuller t1_itiw0au wrote

This process occurs because of the vacuum of space, not as the result of energy absorbed from the sun. The heat we feel from the Sun here on the Earth's surface is the result of the energy from the sunlight being absorbed and retained by the atmosphere. In space, the only energy you "see" is what strikes you in a "line-of-sight" sense. The amount of energy involved in this situation would be very small and would have a relatively small impact on the evaporation and sublimation processes.