
Welfycat t1_iyeqzjn wrote

2019: 70 books

2020: 128 books

2021: 64 books

2022: 154 books (about 63,000 pages this year. Books I read are typically between 300-500 pages).

Those are the years I’ve kept track using Goodreads. My general goal is 52 books a year, or one a week.


Welfycat t1_iydzlkr wrote

All I read was the title and I came in to see if Marie Kondo’s The Art of Cleaning Up had been recommended yet. Upon seeing the other suggests I realized it wasn’t that type of book cleaning. Unfortunately I don’t have any suggestions for you. The only type of book cleaning I’ve done is to zip lock a smelly book in the freezer with baking soda.


Welfycat t1_iy9z4n3 wrote

I just finished The Lost Metal. Absolutely loved it. I’m almost jealous that you haven’t read RoW yet because there is nothing like experiencing it for the first time.

The Expanse might be another series that you would enjoy. It’s nowhere as deep, but it’s an interesting journey.


Welfycat t1_iy9w3wj wrote

Journey before destination is pretty much the motto of Brandon Sanderson’s Stormlight Archives. There are currently four books published (and a larger universe as well), and it’s currently about 2 million words. I’m on my third reread and am still discovering new things.


Welfycat t1_ixtk5rz wrote

I think the bitchy part was her making it public in her fanfic. If I found that a friend had done that to me it would have absolutely killed me and I never would have spoken with them again.

I think neither of them were really fulfilling a good friendship until the end of the book where they were both trying to make things work. Aza needed professional help. People can be friends (or even family), but they can’t replace what professional health can do and it’s not fair to make them try.


Welfycat t1_iuis6c8 wrote

I read Doomsday book in high school and reread it recently. I really enjoyed it and the rest of the series is on my list to be read one day.


Welfycat t1_iug8dzt wrote

Honestly, I didn’t like the books that much either. I’m sick of casual rape. I’m sick of the most interesting thing about women’s characters being their bodies and being there for the men to have sex with them. I hated the way the series ended and thought it was a massive cope out.

I enjoyed the third Witcher game, and that’s pretty much the only thing about the franchise I like apart from the horse. I like horses.

I thought the show was mostly boring and far too interested in sex. The second season was nonsense, I’m not planning on watching the third, and good on Cavil for sticking to his guns and leaving when he sees a project he’s invested in go off the rails. I hope Superman works out for him.