
Westfakia t1_jc2fet3 wrote

Last time I checked this was earth.

I’ve been here long enough to know that leaving capitalism unchecked is not the best course for the majority of society, and that we have a system of laws in place to prevent abuses as well as a tax system that helps redress systemic inequity.

Reall though, are you going to deny that letting oligarchs like musk run rampant is how twitter got fucked up in the first place?


Westfakia t1_jc1r8lo wrote

Good for whom?

Giving preferential treatment to financial companies based on means alone isn’t going to benefit anyone except the people at the top, who will continue to work to widen the gap between them and everyone else.


Westfakia t1_j9x5dqn wrote

CBC, ctv and global, torstar, etc are big enough with their target market that their viewers can find them without googles help. There are plenty of times I’ll go look for a story at cbc.com rather than google it because I value what cbc would write more than the process of scanning through search results.


Westfakia t1_j64z601 wrote

Take them where?

Who’s gonna approve a flight plan for fissionables across international borders?

This isn’t tinkertoys, it’s weapons grade uranium and plutonium. I don’t want it flying anywhere near me, keeping it on the ground is much safer. The stuff is also highly sought after by undesirables, so it needs to be done with the utmost in security. Easier said than done.


Westfakia t1_isth52w wrote

Social Media telling people that they should use social media more. Yawn.

Hospitals are supposed to deliver healthcare. I don’t need to follow their FB page, twitter, instagram or whatever. They can do that on their website and not have to waste our money paying Zuckerberg to boost their posts so that the Social Media Directpr will look more effective.


Westfakia t1_is222ym wrote

I saw a billboard this morning near my office (Near Toronto) that said “The oil sands are on the path to reduce greenhouse gases.”

I had to think about that for a moment. Yes, I suppose it is true that they are on the path. But in the wrong direction!!