
WexfordHo t1_iy0cmj2 wrote

The largest terrestrial animals have always been herbivores, elephants, rhinos, mammoths, giant tree-munching dinosaurs, and so on. I’m not sure why you think that would be different for buffalo.

Being an herbivore means that you have ready access to vast quantities of food that most animals can’t extract nutrition from, but you can. Having access to large amounts of food allows for gigantism in animals, and being a large herbivore means that the predators capable of taking you down must either be large and powerful, or run in packs. Being large also means you can support large fat stores which help you to get through leaner times, and also withstand very cold weather.


WexfordHo t1_iy01mwy wrote

The only facts in the entire piece are that this drone exists, and who makes it. The rest of the page is just speculation, quoting another paper, and emotive language. As a piece regarding a bit of technology any discussion of that tech is notably absent.

So how could it mislead? Well how do right wingers in the US mislead without lying? Talk about HRT for example, offer a single ‘fact’ about what it is, then spend the rest of the time conjuring visions of horror about how it might be abused.


WexfordHo t1_iy014aq wrote

Other than the simple fact that this drone exists and the company that makes it, the rest is quoting “concerns” from another source, and speculating about how horrible it would be with some fairly emotive language.

It’s virtually information free if you’re looking for details on the drone as a piece of technology, rather than a platform for social media twits to opine about politics.


WexfordHo t1_ixzx748 wrote

That’s nice. Here’s what I care about.

> These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward liberal causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage liberal causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy.
