
WittyMonikerGoesHere t1_j9u8p5l wrote

Don't do this. Laminate floors are "floating floors" . They are not attached to the sub floor for thermal expansion/contraction. Cutting the tongues and grooves off will keep it from locking into the pieces around it. Gluing the replacement piece down will keep it from moving with the rest of the floor. It will gap or buckle eventually.


WittyMonikerGoesHere t1_j24q0dz wrote

Drilling a hole in the flange won't cause any structural issues in the sink, if that's what you're asking.

If it wasn't undermount, I'd recommend releasing the sink and popping the silicone, then putting a block between them to drill the first hole, but that's a much bigger deal to do with an undermount sink.

What you're suggesting is probably your best option, but understand that there's a good chance your diamond bit will be headed for the garbage as soon as it touches the steel.

If it's only a half inch hole, a hole saw may not be the best choice. I'd probably drill the steel stepping up to ½ with carbide drop points.


WittyMonikerGoesHere t1_iy9ouir wrote

Not to operate, no. Some are saying codes require it now. A "dumb" switch only interrupts the circuit. You could wire the neutrals to the switch instead of the hots, and it would work exactly the same. Shouldn't because changing a light bulb would then carry the possibility of electrocution, but could.