Wjyosn t1_j6iv82h wrote
Reply to ELI5 - When losing weight, why is it common to hear "burn more than you consume" in reference to calorie intake. if you consume" 1000 calories, how do you burn 1500? by Freedom-No-781
From the way you phrase the question it sounds like you misunderstood calories a bit.
The human body, and any organic substance like food but also bone or muscle or fat etc, are composed of molecules that contain energy which we refer to by measures of calories. Your stomach and intestines break apart foods that you ingest and release some of the energy as calories for the body to use for things like moving muscles or sending nerve signals etc.
But your muscles, fat, etc. are essentially also the same composition as some of our food, just like when we eat meat from other animals. If you don't eat at all, your body still needs some energy to move around and do things. So the body has mechanisms for effectively eating itself to convert your own body into usable energy.
Anytime you use more energy than you get from eating, the body is going to pull some energy from its own internal storage by consuming its own fat or muscle etc. It doesn't literally go through your digestive system, but it is similar in final result. The fat or muscle is destroyed and the body gains energy that it can use.
When people say to burn more than you consume, this is the idea. If you eat less and/or move around more, then you will require more energy than you consumed with food. This results in your body "eating itself" (typically thought of as "burning fat") in order to have enough energy to get by.
Wjyosn t1_iwec1xm wrote
Reply to Does your gut/gastrointestinal/digestive health affect how you feel mentally/psychologically? by lilm8ey
Even at a very superficial level, yes. Aside from discomfort causing stress hormones etc, you have the fact that seratonin is largely manufactured in the gut. Gut malfunction? Potentially less seratonin, which is one of the primary things we treat for depression, with SSRI (selective seratonin reuptake inhibitor) drugs: too little seratonin=bad feels
Wjyosn t1_iuk66bv wrote
Reply to LPT: If you don't want kids ringing your doorbell on Halloween and don't wanna turn all of the lights out, put an empty bowl out with a sign that says "Take one". That way they will think somebody stole all of the candy. by MyScrotesASaggin
And then, one more step... Just dump a bag of candy in the bowl. All the same effect, 80% less douche
Wjyosn t1_iuissbe wrote
Reply to comment by kay_peele in LPT: Pointing a regular fan at drying clothes indoors massively speeds up process in wet season by Intertubes_Unclogger
Not really. The humidity from the rain causes them to sit moist long enough for mold to grow, even if they're not getting rained on. And that's the original point of the lpt; if you use a fan, you can still effectively hang dry while it's rainy and humid. If you don't, then they will dry too slowly and accumulate mold.
Wjyosn t1_iuebyi7 wrote
Reply to comment by payfrit in LPT: You can create unlimited Gmail accounts to avoid spam or to add filters. Just put a plus sign (+) after your email address but before the @-sign and then type anything you like there, and the email will still reach you. by The_nyonga
If so, that's certainly news for me. Last time I tried, other email systems didn't automatically give users all of the aliases by default.
Wjyosn t1_iud2oho wrote
Reply to comment by goelrishabh09 in LPT: Measure the length of one of your fingers from tip to joint, remember it and always have primitive measuring tape with you. by pheenX
Both can, but one is in a more comfortable and natural position to do so when raised arms length in front of you. The other requires twisting your wrist around 180 degrees.
Wjyosn t1_iucjd1m wrote
Reply to comment by BLParks12 in LPT: You can create unlimited Gmail accounts to avoid spam or to add filters. Just put a plus sign (+) after your email address but before the @-sign and then type anything you like there, and the email will still reach you. by The_nyonga
You can make a rule to auto sort based on incoming address. So, everything sent to name+important@gmail goes to a specific folder, and everything sent to name+spam@gmail gets auto deleted, for instance
Wjyosn t1_iucj5zz wrote
Reply to comment by browsinglurker in LPT: You can create unlimited Gmail accounts to avoid spam or to add filters. Just put a plus sign (+) after your email address but before the @-sign and then type anything you like there, and the email will still reach you. by The_nyonga
Generally this is a matter of just bad email validation scripts that don't recognize symbols as being valid in emails. It's rarely a deliberate effort to thwart Gmail users specifically.
Wjyosn t1_jacxbv0 wrote
Reply to This new Stanley tape measures is missing a few marks between 24 and 25... by Jay_Ray
They're all there, the tall one is just off center.