
OP t1_isv15gb wrote

It'll stay around lol. When campgrounds are opened it booked. Hell can't find a good weekend because every Friday-sat and sundays are booked and they have tons of camp spots and all are booked. They make tons of money lol. If you ever do go look at the big weather setup they have at the entrance, (it was made in the welding shop I work at by my boss)


OP t1_isu8nl3 wrote

Your body's natural night vision, walk into a forest pitch black and close your eyes. As you adapt you will be able to see slightly in the night that is your night vision have someone turn on a flashlight doesn't even need to point at you and then turn the light off and you go back to being pitch black blind until you're adjust which can take a bit. Red light won't take away that night vision but unless it's a back road every mother fucker with their overly bright headlights and high beams in 24/7 will blind you anyways.


OP t1_isu7woe wrote

Yep. I like red as it preserves night vision (if you go to cherry springs the darkest place in the east coast you can see northern lights and stuff there's 0 light pollution no street lights etc. And in the observing fields there is no light not even car lights you have to cover it all with red filters to not pollution the sky and save people's night vision, beautiful place if you ever go. Me and my friend are camping there next year as that's when we could get a reservation that worked for us


OP t1_issm6pf wrote

Lol who said that? I wonder if some area do it but pink isn't helpful for light pollution? You'd want red as it doesn't pollute and keeps drivers nighttime vision intact. But it's useless as actually illumination.


OP t1_issl8j0 wrote

No lol it's a bug with one of the components inside the lights. Big issue with one company, country wide. Although Im sure some places might do the color intentionally for like a breast cancer thing but I'd say that's not likely to be seen on random street lights or parking lots


OP t1_isr5mq1 wrote

It's a country wide issue. You can Google it and it'll explain the science behind why it happens but it's one company that made a ton of the bulbs and they go bad and turn purple/pink eventually