WoobaLoobaDoobDoob t1_j3xm7o3 wrote
Reply to comment by boombotser in Quay Walker is seen crying after being ejected for shoving a member of the Detroit Lions’s athletic team. by globe_explorer245
Lmao crying doesn’t make you weak, but keep up that “alpha male” attitude behind your phone screen weirdo.
WoobaLoobaDoobDoob t1_j3tkl7t wrote
Reply to comment by Maxwell-Druthers in Packers' Quay Walker ejected for shoving Lions medical staffer. by PrincessBananas85
Bless your heart.
WoobaLoobaDoobDoob t1_j3tke68 wrote
Reply to comment by Rawesome16 in Quay Walker is seen crying after being ejected for shoving a member of the Detroit Lions’s athletic team. by globe_explorer245
“kid knowing they messed up” no shit. He was in the tunnel, he didn’t take his shirt off and throw up peace signs to the crowd bro.
WoobaLoobaDoobDoob t1_j3r7wze wrote
Reply to comment by Rawesome16 in Quay Walker is seen crying after being ejected for shoving a member of the Detroit Lions’s athletic team. by globe_explorer245
He was mad at himself, as he should’ve been. He wasn’t cussing out the referee’s.
Did you see his public apology on Twitter? Did you see that he reached out to the Lions’ trainer on his own and apologized to him directly? If not then we don’t have much to talk about.
WoobaLoobaDoobDoob t1_j3r71e1 wrote
Reply to comment by Rawesome16 in Quay Walker is seen crying after being ejected for shoving a member of the Detroit Lions’s athletic team. by globe_explorer245
He’s living a different life than you. Sorry you couldn’t wrap it up properly and had a child that forced you to mature. Hope your daughter is doing well, and I hope that when she is 22 and makes a mistake you will help her.
WoobaLoobaDoobDoob t1_j3r6bus wrote
Reply to comment by Maxwell-Druthers in Packers' Quay Walker ejected for shoving Lions medical staffer. by PrincessBananas85
He pushed a man and you call him a potential murderer, one of “the most dangerous people in society”, a slob, and you “guaranteed” that he had a violent past. You don’t know him, you’re pulling shit out of your ass. The only notable people to graduate from his high school are athletes. Did it ever occur to you that maybe he grew up in a situation where football was seen as his only way to be successful? In those situations mental health and anger management aren’t exactly prioritized. He said publicly, before your comment, that the way he acted was unacceptable, but you didn’t take the 2 minutes to look that up before writing your racist-ass comment, did you?
WoobaLoobaDoobDoob t1_j3pyow5 wrote
Reply to comment by sdurs in Quay Walker is seen crying after being ejected for shoving a member of the Detroit Lions’s athletic team. by globe_explorer245
Bro is 22 years old. I’m 25 and if you showed me video of some of the dumb shit I did 3 years ago I would hate myself for weeks. One year ago almost to the day he was playing the COLLEGE football championship. He’s an “adult”, but not really. That doesn’t excuse his actions, but with his apology there’s an obvious desire to improve and you have to respect that.
WoobaLoobaDoobDoob t1_j3pxqf5 wrote
Reply to comment by sdurs in Quay Walker is seen crying after being ejected for shoving a member of the Detroit Lions’s athletic team. by globe_explorer245
Walking down the tunnel it looks like he says “Why did I do that? Fuck!” Regardless though it was obvious he knew he fucked up, he wasn’t mad at the referee who threw him out.
WoobaLoobaDoobDoob t1_j3psx4n wrote
Reply to comment by callmebatman14 in Bulldogs barrel their way to 2nd straight CFP title, set record for points scored in title game by EatSleepJeep
Embarrassing for college football in general.
WoobaLoobaDoobDoob t1_j3prifb wrote
Reply to comment by PeteLattimer in Packers' Quay Walker ejected for shoving Lions medical staffer. by PrincessBananas85
Legal ≠ clean
WoobaLoobaDoobDoob t1_j3pre0b wrote
Reply to comment by Maxwell-Druthers in Packers' Quay Walker ejected for shoving Lions medical staffer. by PrincessBananas85
Oh I see, you’re a racist.
WoobaLoobaDoobDoob t1_jeavhw7 wrote
Reply to comment by TheDarkestWilliam in Russia detains WSJ reporter Evan Gershkovich on espionage charges by jack_lafouine
You must not know what a journalist is