XPlutonium t1_j2bub9n wrote
XPlutonium t1_j1u12cc wrote
Reply to [OC] Correlation Between Glee's IMDb Scores & Amount of Songs Per Episode by Vivid-Busyness
Remove the first 10 episodes. You’ll see basically no trend line
Plus the data itself is too volatile relative to its means to do much
XPlutonium t1_j1dnj0c wrote
Reply to comment by IMAPURPLEHIPPO in [OC] The Average Cost of Attending College in Each US State by malxredleader
That’s fair actually it’s something’s we often struggle with even in web design
I unfortunately have no ideas
XPlutonium t1_j1bde9r wrote
I feel like due to a large scale the colour range should have been a little more
Like say maybe even green or say red. Because from what I see highest/lowest is almost 4 with there being data at almost every interval in between. That would have bought out the inequality also a little more so you know say, you can also tell a story with the data along with it already looking good
XPlutonium t1_j126kr1 wrote
Reply to comment by ElfMage83 in TIL that The Specials singer Terry Hall was abducted by a paedophile ring in France when he was 12 years old by Disastrous-Spirit543
Yes and we english don’t get why you keep adding redundant words to other words
Side walk - where is else? Front walk? Eye glasses - helped me differentiate my liver glasses Waste paper basket - wow. Gas - ITS A FUCKING LIQUID
Then we get to your phrases. Exact same, unexpected surprise, advance warning???, end result. Oh and your love for split infinitives.
I personally think it should make more sense to not get into the uses of the Prodigal Tongue. Languages have differences deal with it.
XPlutonium t1_j125xpe wrote
Reply to comment by ElfMage83 in TIL that The Specials singer Terry Hall was abducted by a paedophile ring in France when he was 12 years old by Disastrous-Spirit543
I mean you don’t learn it in the alphabet doesn’t mean it’s not acceptable. The letters ae and & are both very very commonly used even now
Also how is your problem the fact that it’s a different spelling and not the fact that this is technically not Paedophilia but rather Hebephilia (it doesn’t change anything but since we’re fighting in dumb technicalities)
XPlutonium t1_j11zy3m wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in TIL that The Specials singer Terry Hall was abducted by a paedophile ring in France when he was 12 years old by Disastrous-Spirit543
ae used to actually be an old letter now dropped
Haemoglobin ex
XPlutonium t1_j0woonx wrote
And on the other extreme of it during WWI soldiers stopped fighting to celebrate together for a day
XPlutonium t1_ixyzpd2 wrote
Reply to comment by Ikkon in Charted: Income Distributions in 16 Different Countries by TheThinker12
Income and wealth are different
Consider Netherlands. Probably the lowest Gini income but also highest Gini Wealth.
XPlutonium t1_itvyhd9 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in [OC] Where do humans and computers play on a chess board? by Evidently_21
That’s a very fair point Reinforcement Learning and similar may independently come to similar solutions
I would be interesting in seeing what happens to algorithms trained on just RL mapped to this chart
XPlutonium t1_itvxl1i wrote
Reply to comment by moonkingdome in [OC] Where do humans and computers play on a chess board? by Evidently_21
It’s probably because game engines were once trained on past games and also that now players have started using computers to improve their game
So I’m not saying in the long run the difference will be 0. But it stands to reason that this is partly why they’re close
XPlutonium t1_issnvmk wrote
Reply to [OC] World's Top 10 Richest in 2022: Gautam Adani Makes Billions, the Rest Loses Them by waynehihihi
I really think you should check out their balance sheets to get a better picture. Adani is actually deeply over leveraged. So he’s effectively doing well so long as he’s cozy with India’s current administration
Asset valuation on itself has The GDP Problem so it doesn’t always give you an accurate picture
XPlutonium t1_j8qy684 wrote
Reply to [D] HuggingFace considered harmful to the community. /rant by drinkingsomuchcoffee
I appreciate and respect your rant, have been there
However in interest of both of us getting some good out of this how about if you face an issue next, Open an issue? If you can fix it as a community contribution then gold standard, but even opening an issue will tell them where the problem is
While they’re trying to ‘hog’ the users for their experience it can also be looked at as a way of democratising AI. There were MANY ML APIs that I just used HuggingFace for because I don’t understand ML itself so just call Hug and get the job done. I can understand why it’s buggy when the ecosystem itself moves so fast that you have to add features faster than you can fix old ones
So you know I relate, so in interest of getting shit done so to say, let’s try to fix it. Opening an issue, fixing the issue, writing competitive similar libraries, EVEN AS LITTLE AS participating productively in the issues discussions or GitHub discussions (if there is) will actually be a step in direction of getting it done