
Xak_Ev01v3d t1_ja6k7oc wrote

What you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this thread is now dumber for having read it. I award you -1 karma, and may God have mercy on your soul.


Xak_Ev01v3d t1_j1f3t8t wrote

So 133,000 in equivalent album units?

His first album Lace Up sold 263,000 copies, before looking at equivalent album units.

His first pop album Tickets to my Downfall sold 200,000 copies, before looking at equivalent album units.

So how is 133,000 greater than 263,000 or 200,000, both of which are conservative estimates?


Xak_Ev01v3d t1_j1ex7vk wrote

Are you ever going to give the “correct” figures to make your point? Or do you just want to keep saying I’m wrong?

Just show me the “right” numbers. Show me how MGK had his “biggest record release for a rap album after the beef.” Otherwise, I’ll just continue on with the knowledge that Em legitimately destroyed his rap career, as most everyone realizes.


Xak_Ev01v3d t1_j1en5sd wrote

>He had his biggest record release for a rap album after the beef.


  • Lace Up (October 2012) 263,000 copies sold

Decent debut, but rap fans probably realize he’s garbage so his next couple albums fall off.

  • General Admission (October 2015) 56,000 copies sold

  • Bloom (May 2017) 77,000 copies sold

Eminem releases Killshot on September 14, 2019.

  • Binge (September 21, 2019)

This was released at the height of his beef with Eminem, trying to capitalize on his new found popularity. It’s hard to find any figures on this, maybe because it was an EP and not a studio release, or maybe because no one bothered counting after it sold a mere 21,000 copies in its first week and everyone realized his rap career was dead. To note, his album before this (Bloom) sold 57,000 in its first week.

  • Hotel Diablo (July 2019) 21,000 copies sold (first studio release after Killshot, sold roughly as well as Binge.)

Dude fell completely off the map after Killshot.

  • Tickets to my Downfall (September 2020) 200,000 copies sold

Switches genres, and has another decent “debut” to his new audience. But, yet again, they also realize he’s garbage, because…

  • Mainstream Sellout (March 2022) 62,000 copies sold

And thus begins his second downward trend in as many genres explored.


Xak_Ev01v3d t1_ixkcjah wrote

You only need a table for 24 if you’re sitting 11 people on one side, and 1 person at either end.

I don’t care about your “ok but the OP is talking about them all sitting on one side, not at the ends” argument. First of all, the actual painting clearly shows 2 men sitting at the ends of the table. Second, that would still be a table for 28, not 26.
