
t1_jacuk77 wrote

I mean it seems that the last installment in the franchise before the 2020 television series was a 1995 television film. So the series was dormant (with no new media) for a full 25 years. So if one was under 25 (or even 30, assuming they were not watching Perry Mason at 5), or simply was not American (given that Perry Mason is an American property), it would not be unbelievable for one to not know what Perry Mason was going into this television series.

If it helps, off the top of my head the only Rihanna song I can think of is “Shut Up and Drive”.


t1_jaay32t wrote

From my first comment in this thread:

> I didn’t know it was a reboot of a lawyer series going into the first season, so it was odd when what seemed to be a detective series pivoted to being a lawyer series halfway through.

If one went into the first season not already knowing who Perry Mason was, which was a decent number of people, the pivoting was quite odd. If this season has the lawyering and detective aspects more intertwined, that would be interesting, fitting.


t1_ja8xwjz wrote

I mean I didn’t mind the court scenes — it just seemed a shame that the detective portion pretty much came to an end then. That if they wanted to do a detective series, and a lawyer series, that it may have been better if they were separate series entirely, if they’re not going to be intertwined storyline-wise (rather than simply progressing one after the other).


OP t1_j6hm2zv wrote

It was announced relatively quietly, and released similarly as such, all on the one day (the 23rd of July, 2022). There is also an anime series in development (following the previous five short films), currently set to come out this year (2023).