Yerdonsh t1_ivjh2lp wrote
Reply to I find it interesting that I voted for the people that I received propaganda for by [deleted]
Mailers are 100% tailored to the voter. Our household has a democrat, a republican and a newly registered 19 year old voter. So we get everything here, I was saving the ads and laughing at them. The best ones were addressed to the new voter in our household, one with emojis all over it clearly marketed to her age group. The other addressed to her had a stranger things theme and graphics, Republican things, it’s awesome I saved it! We get about 10 ads a day by mail.
Yerdonsh t1_jbgaac3 wrote
Reply to What’s the deal w the turtles people sell at intersections? by RoverTheMonster
Years ago we took our kids to the zoo and there was a guy selling baby turtles and Michael Jackson tee shirts at the gas station next to the zoo. Of course my kid wanted a turtle! Now I realize that baby turtles are very easy to catch along creeks and canals, red eared sliders are invasive. They are everywhere along the Schyulkill canal in Mont Claire for example.