YoSaffBridge11 t1_jef0zwp wrote
Reply to comment by Nij-megan in My dollar store popcorn has a bible verse on it. by BurritoSanmartino
It’s a proper pronoun.
YoSaffBridge11 t1_jdi5f16 wrote
Reply to comment by HappyBengal in A unique website dedicated to just 4 minutes and 27 seconds, the maximum duration of the Total Solar Eclipse of April 8, 2024 across North America. Where will YOU be? by MichaelZeiler
YoSaffBridge11 t1_j0iddoa wrote
Reply to comment by coursejunkie in 15 Years of almost daily use and still going strong , I present to you the Toyota of Backpacks by TheRealHowardPotts
I was going to suggest Jansport! 👍🏼
YoSaffBridge11 t1_ixw64bh wrote
YoSaffBridge11 t1_iti6q3o wrote
Reply to TIL that the dogs in competitive agility don’t rehearse the course ahead of time. The courses are randomized at each competition, and the trainers (without their dogs) only see the layout beforehand on the same day. When the dog runs the course they are literally seeing it for the first time. by Pyraunus
I have two Mastiffs. One of my very favorite things to do is watch Mastiffs so the agility courses!! It’s so freaking hilarious!! 🤣🤣
YoSaffBridge11 t1_jef1uhs wrote
Reply to comment by Nij-megan in My dollar store popcorn has a bible verse on it. by BurritoSanmartino
Shoot. I didn’t even read the verse before I responded. I got dizzy trying to sort out who is who in that sentence! 🤣🤣