YouJustLostTheGameOk t1_je3lmwt wrote
Reply to comment by Lopsided-Simple-422 in How racing drones are used as improvised missiles in Ukraine - They are light, fast and cheap by speckz
Lol, ok Alex jones
YouJustLostTheGameOk t1_ixz6sa5 wrote
Reply to comment by Kilvayne in S.Korea's new COVID-19 cases in 50,000 range amid winter resurgence worries by 4inalfantasy
That thought process is dangerous. I work with a few of these people. It’s embarrassing to listen to them spew that nonsense.
YouJustLostTheGameOk t1_je62xui wrote
Reply to comment by Lopsided-Simple-422 in How racing drones are used as improvised missiles in Ukraine - They are light, fast and cheap by speckz
Money. The answer is always money.