ZL0J t1_ja4ylid wrote

Ok a (very keen) amateur cyclist. In peak season I burn 4000-4500 calories daily. Classic British breakfast like this in a cafe at 8 am has me full until 14. It's just mind boggling how caloric this shit is.


ZL0J t1_j6a3d3j wrote

Yep. And now you have all that time to do cognitive stuff rather than repetitive routine mindless tasks. So your brain is running in top gear 16/8 at best and 20/4 at worst which is incredibly taxing psychically. I've been teaching myself to ease off for 2 years now and still struggling. Shit is shit, I want to live in 2000s again


ZL0J t1_j2dezz2 wrote

"be excited" lmao Tell this to someone who isn't. Its not like eating or scratching your butt - you can't get excited at will. It takes time and patience and luck


ZL0J t1_j1ti3a9 wrote

Google will inherently distribute the traffic equally on all roads. So the most you will save by going to a less busy area is a couple of minutes before it becomes crowded with other drivers.

If you don't know the roads that form the detour then just stay on the highway always and ignore detours. Unless you can see with your eyes or heat on the radio that there is an actual crash that has just happened and haven't been cleared