
ZalmoxisChrist t1_j4bvhqb wrote

He will keep running, and idiots who never look at the local news and vote only on name recognition will keep voting for him. We thought his days were numbered when he was just a convicted pedophile, but he not only took back his Delegate seat, he later became a State Senator. I don't think "divorced convicted pedophile" makes that much of a difference.


ZalmoxisChrist t1_j49o9hd wrote

>Fucking scumbag is worse than we thought.

This is exactly as bad as I've known him to be for years.

Joe Morrissey is the only Democrat the fired MAGA strip club manager Mike Dickinson likes (after he fell out with Kim Gray). If you wanna know who the real groomers are, look for the people whining loudly about imaginary "groomers," then look at those people's idols.

He was literally elected FROM JAIL in the special election for his own seat, which he had to vacate after his conviction for sex crimes against the 17-year-old girl who later became the very ex-wife who just wrote the post in the OP.

One of the very last things Gov. Ralph "I Don't Remember if I Wore Black Face or a Klan Hood in My Yearbook Photo" Northam did in office—one year ago, tomorrow—was to pardon Joe Morrissey from that conviction.

Joe Morrissey was always a fucking scumbag, and somehow he keeps getting elected.