ZincMan t1_j2cfihx wrote
Reply to comment by Legal_Eaglette in I saw some squirrel's ghost yesterday. by BestRobEver
Hey my moms from there !
ZincMan t1_j1i6t4n wrote
Reply to comment by woodlark14 in Did you know it will still take 46 billion years to cross the universe at the speed of light? 65 mph = 4.8 * 10^17 years! by NotAndroid545
Fucking hell. I don’t even understand your first sentence. However what your 2nd paragraph is saying I think I get. Does expansion not count as moving through space ? I understand expansion speed is relative to the observer, but surely the fastest things could expand away from each other has to be twice the speed of light right ? Like if two objects are “expanding” away from each other at the speed of light in opposite directions… their relative speed to each other would seem as though they are traveling twice the speed of light right ? (Assuming you could observe) I guess my questions is can expansion travel faster than this ? Faster than two objects speeding away from each other at light speed ? I don’t get the difference between travel vs expansion. Is expansion actually Stretching reality itself?
ZincMan t1_j1i27ci wrote
Reply to comment by woodlark14 in Did you know it will still take 46 billion years to cross the universe at the speed of light? 65 mph = 4.8 * 10^17 years! by NotAndroid545
I understand what you’re saying but I don’t get how the expansion speed and “travel” speed would have different hypothetical limits. If things are expanding, I’m assuming it’s “relative speed” but it is indeed traveling faster than the speed of light relative to something … or rather why does traveling through space have a speed limit at all?
ZincMan t1_j1i1jce wrote
Reply to comment by inventionnerd in Did you know it will still take 46 billion years to cross the universe at the speed of light? 65 mph = 4.8 * 10^17 years! by NotAndroid545
Can we judge our location in relation to the “true” center of the universe ? I mean I assume if the Big Bang was centralized, there must be a “core” to that expansion where everything is expanding radially outward…. But now that I think about it, it still might appear as though everything in relation to you is leaving your observable edge of the universe at equal speed regardless.
ZincMan t1_iy8f76i wrote
Reply to comment by threenamer in NYC Salary Transparency Law Exposes Art World's Lowest Wages by exgalactic
Yeah it’s a total shmooze fest from what I understand. I’m glad I stayed far away from that world and still get to make a living as a painter. In the art world your fate seems to be totally in the hands of others
ZincMan t1_iy86avc wrote
Reply to comment by threenamer in NYC Salary Transparency Law Exposes Art World's Lowest Wages by exgalactic
I work with a few artists who came from working with Jeff Koons who were making $13/hr with him. Fucking obscene. They are so talented as well. Now they work as scenic artists for film making like $70/hr lol. Fuck rich artists paying real artists slave wages to make THEIR WORK and sell it for millions. It’s criminal and beyond insulting. How could you treat fellow artists so poorly ?
ZincMan t1_ivxmkme wrote
Reply to comment by ChrisFromLongIsland in Andrew Cuomo says Zeldin coming within 5 points of victory ‘a real wake-up call’ by PichuLovy
It really really sucks, Some bull shit shifts the course of the nation. It sucks doing the right thing sometimes
ZincMan t1_iudif2e wrote
Reply to comment by LittleCorndawg2 in A space rock slammed into Mars on Christmas Eve. It revealed a hidden surprise by jormungandrsjig
Martian lemurs ?
ZincMan t1_ith00gn wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in [Tool] All of the problems in this world could be solved with a motivated populace who prided themselves on being involved with the intellectual debates of the day with a good faith effort to make things better. by straight-lampin
Trust me what I said has the same content this post
ZincMan t1_itgwwth wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in [Tool] All of the problems in this world could be solved with a motivated populace who prided themselves on being involved with the intellectual debates of the day with a good faith effort to make things better. by straight-lampin
Are you trying to debate me ? I wasn’t be sarcastic
ZincMan t1_itg8aow wrote
Reply to comment by bobiz82 in [Tool] All of the problems in this world could be solved with a motivated populace who prided themselves on being involved with the intellectual debates of the day with a good faith effort to make things better. by straight-lampin
The world would be perfect if everyone was perfect
ZincMan t1_jdvcc90 wrote
Reply to comment by --Ty-- in This is what 7 minutes of exposure time looks like on a dark, moonless night at Zabriskie Point, Death Valley (USA)! by peeweekid
It’s a composite photo. One long exposure of sky with tracking and one still one of the ground put together for artistic effect? Affect ?