
ZippyDan t1_j2ddjxx wrote

I think you're not thinking big enough.

Don't we want people to be abandoning the system? If enough people defect, hide, and rebel, this whole mess can be over sooner.

Don't let perfection be the enemy of good. In any evil system there is a range of leaders, supporters, and cogs: true evils, true believers, sycophants, opportunists, weak-minded and weak-willed sheep, uninformed and uneducated, etc.

It's not possible to ensure that all of those people get the justice they deserve, nor is it clear what justice the lower rungs of the system deserve. Think of Nazi Germany or Imperial Japan: many culpable people escaped punishment, but it was more important that the leadership face the music and that the system fall rather than hunting down every last pencil pusher that was indirectly responsible for the abuses of the system.

Trying to hold every last person accountable no matter how peripheral their involvement just encourages the system to linger longer, because every last beauraucrat and janitor becomes invested in the continued delay of accountability. Leaders have power and the ultimate responsibility, but they are nothing if the individual cogs of their empire melt away.


ZippyDan t1_ixibt7v wrote

I don't know why you would think that "natural" burned stuff is somehow "better" than "artificial" burned stuff. I mean, it could be, and certainly some artificial stuff is really nasty, but it's all really bad to be breathing in. It's not like we were "designed" to breathe in "organic" smoke. It's all bad.