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myownbattles t1_j6vrzhn wrote

Check out the Great Courses series called "The Economic History of the World Since 1400" or something along those lines. It is INCREDIBLE. It's on Prime if you've got it.

It's definitely a broad overview because you can only fit so much in a course, but dang, is it ever useful. It's great context for where we are and how we got here.


Praglik t1_j6w6qqo wrote

This is way too recent, basically covering the silk roads and emerging "Indies Companies" rather than Ancient Egypt and their contemporaries. Is there any documentary about ancient trade networks?


ZippyDan t1_j6w0ks4 wrote

Since 1400 BCE or CE?


Orngog t1_j6wa5eg wrote

CE. It describes itself as being about modern history...

I assume OP is either American or young.