
ZurakZigil t1_j5jno05 wrote

Yeah, we already have tried the color-blind. Helped some but stagnated because it grew ignorance. We found in order to unify pur people we have to understand what divides us, and in order to do that we have to accept, study, and track what divides us.

Charts like this are one point of data to track. It's not the whole story, and it proves nothing within itself, but it's one metric to look at to gauge our progress.

PS. It's not out dated, it's the most up to date method. Many people, including myself at one point, do not get why we're now doing this. It's a multi-faceted challenge that needs addressing and it will take time to fix. Ignoring the challenge does not solve it.

edit: Right winged take, so either way... point still stands. And no offense, but i don't have the time to get sources for you. Id look at things with earlier signs of change (tech jobs are kinda a final bastion imo). Look at college admission and graduation records. Data will be young so there's not going to be huge upticks


ZurakZigil t1_j5ivqv0 wrote

*reads the room and sees a lot of progress, and all the regression from people pushing back saying "look at all the damage you've done"*

All the damage is because people won't let us move on, not because we are trying to move on.

Typical right winged nonsense. Plant your feet and require everyone to carry you while you exclaim "if we just went my way it would be easier."

So shut up sand start helping people.


ZurakZigil t1_j5iptdn wrote

I agree there's wealth inequality (and growing rapidly), and it has a huge play in situations like this... but ignoring "identity politics" doesn't help us solve these issues any quicker.

No one is saying it's only because white people don't like ___ people except the people that get immediately pissed when they see posts like this. It's a systematic issue, and one of the key issues is wealth disparity. But I hope you also see that's the issue. That's the entire problem. Your "solution" is also the problem. That's why they have tried to tackle identity politics...to solve the wealth inequality.

edit: Still want to clarify your first comment...definitely off the wall lol