
ZweitenMal t1_jaxqn8j wrote

Reply to comment by Astoria321 in My OMNYCard design by NYCBikeLanes

  1. What if my phone dies? What if I keep it in airplane mode? What if I don't bring it with me? What if I don't trust the apps to charge the right card?
  2. What if I want to lend the card to my college-aged kids, home for break? Can't give them my phone.

There are loads of reasons.


ZweitenMal t1_ja8ddly wrote

That's pretty rich considering the real estate lobby is able to buy decisions that favor them all the time. The problem is these conversions will cost money and hurt their profits in the short term and they don't like that. They'd rather sit with easy excuses and write the temporarily money-losing properties off against their profitable ones.


ZweitenMal t1_ja7x64b wrote

I read the entire article, because i have a background in commercial real estate, construction, and architecture and the topic interests me.

They are business owners. If you have a business and your market disappears, too bad. That was a risk you ran. Your investment is no longer profitable, so convert the business into something that is profitable, or lose your money.


ZweitenMal t1_j52vxa6 wrote

Same! I’m going at the end of March while Girl with a Pearl Earring is still up.

I’m still hoping the Met will change their mind and send their better two (Maid Asleep and Woman with a Water Pitcher). I’m immensely grateful I can go see them whenever I want but I’d love to see them alongside their sisters.


ZweitenMal t1_iyxsd6g wrote

I don't know, haven't been paying attention that closely.

Making a special permit a requirement doesn't mean it's impossible. But perhaps it's an effort to protect the existing hotels since they've had such a hard time during COVID.

My neighborhood (Astoria) is completely underserved, so that might have something to do with it. Obviously we don't need more hotels in Midtown.