_PM_ME_YOUR_FORESKIN t1_jct0spf wrote
Reply to comment by Annoyed_94 in TIL Crush Syndrome happens when the human body experiences severe skeletal muscle trauma under constant pressure for a long time resulting in shock and kidney failure; an example is a human trapped under a building in an earthquake. by ChiggaOG
>deploy PFAS
Nothing I love more than an inaccessible acronym not spelled out for ease of understanding on a global message board.
_PM_ME_YOUR_FORESKIN t1_jbn3q1i wrote
Reply to comment by nectarine_dasheen in TIL Like casinos, shopping malls are intentionally designed to disorient visitors. The feeling of losing track of time and geography inside a mall is called the Gruen Transfer. by Rifletree
Fifteen seconds
A quarter of a minute
… you picked the longer option. Haha.
_PM_ME_YOUR_FORESKIN OP t1_jbn33vj wrote
Great news! 🎉🎉🎉
_PM_ME_YOUR_FORESKIN t1_jb8sl52 wrote
Reply to Ethereality by The_Tree_Beard
Gorgeous. 🥹
_PM_ME_YOUR_FORESKIN t1_jab6tak wrote
Reply to TIL about the NOAA Corps, the eighth federal uniformed service, alongside the six Military services and Public Health Service. It has just 321 enlisted officers, and operates 15 ships and 10 aircraft. by ex-apple
If there was one rule I could add to Reddit it’d be deletion of post titles with unexpanded acronyms. Sigh.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Commissioned Officer Corps
_PM_ME_YOUR_FORESKIN t1_j9nvteh wrote
_PM_ME_YOUR_FORESKIN t1_j9nkd5n wrote
Reply to Curiosity killed the... by LoudlyTrashy
Where is this so I can avoid that country plz?
_PM_ME_YOUR_FORESKIN t1_j95iywd wrote
I play Statle which has you guess state flags. And I never realized how much I appreciate our flag. I find its symbolism and uniqueness something special about it. I am now so grateful i don’t have a podunk state flag — versus some of these Wish.com designed state flags that have the state’s names written on them in big letters. Lol. :P But jokes aside, some flags have like confederate flags in them. Ohio’s def beats quite a few flags imo.
_PM_ME_YOUR_FORESKIN t1_j95inrd wrote
Reply to comment by Reset_Tears in TIL Ohio’s state flag is the only non-rectangular flag of all the U.S. states. by valehole
Except one has the world’s tallest mountain and the other one has virtually zero mountains. Ohio having a mountain really depends on how inclusive you are of large hills.
_PM_ME_YOUR_FORESKIN t1_j8ebgu7 wrote
Reply to comment by smoothandnutty in TIL of Africa, Ohio, USA, the only town in the world named after the Underground Railroad, the series of networks to help slaves escape Southern US slave states. The name is derived from a mocking comment from a pro-slavery neighbor referring to the the community of escaped slaves there as Africa. by vrphotosguy55
It is not.
Africa, Ohio is located just north of Columbus (in Central Ohio).
Palestine is located on Ohio’s border with Indiana, about 2 hours west of Africa. (119 mi / 192 km away)
East Palestine (of toxic train derailment fame) is on Ohio’s border with Pennsylvania, about 3 hours east of Africa. (159 mi / 256 km away)
It’s very close to Ha(a)rlem & Dublin though!
_PM_ME_YOUR_FORESKIN t1_j86vt9n wrote
Reply to TIL that due to a restaurant offering free sushi to anyone with Chinese characters for salmon in their name, hundreds of Taiwanese changed their names in a situation that was dubbed "salmon chaos". Some are now stuck with names like Salmon Dream or Dancing Salmon. by Kurma-the-Turtle
Did the restaurant continue to honor this though?
_PM_ME_YOUR_FORESKIN t1_j75cy3o wrote
Reply to comment by tomboski in 55-year-old Kazuyoshi Miura has signed on loan with Portuguese second division team Oliveirense. His professional career started in 1986. by Nokel
Of course.
_PM_ME_YOUR_FORESKIN t1_j70ctl3 wrote
_PM_ME_YOUR_FORESKIN t1_j6gwjm6 wrote
Reply to Linda and Lavender seem to be good friends by Modern-Moo
Jk. Jk. Lol.
_PM_ME_YOUR_FORESKIN t1_j65vht6 wrote
Reply to If you could instantaneously place a space telescope at any desired distance (LYs), from any planet/galaxy etc., where would it be and what would you be documenting? And for what purpose? by kennyarsen
Are we assuming like — instant reception of data? Or like, we’d have to wait potentially billions of years to receive the first images?
_PM_ME_YOUR_FORESKIN t1_j61yf6q wrote
Reply to comment by slayer991 in TIL John Byner was originally cast as Mork from Ork on Happy Days, but found the premise ridiculous and quit days before filming, leading Robin Williams to be called in last minute by LoneRangersBand
And Meryl Streep, obviously.
🤣 jk.
_PM_ME_YOUR_FORESKIN t1_j61xxck wrote
Reply to Fathers exposed to chemicals in plastics can affect the metabolic health of their offspring for two generations of mice by giuliomagnifico
I just want to go live in a remote forest somewhere. Ffs.
_PM_ME_YOUR_FORESKIN t1_j5og3t4 wrote
Reply to TIL that NBA Player Lou Williams was almost carjacked in 2011, until the thief recognized him and stopped because he was a Lou Williams fan. Lou Williams took him to McDonald's as thanks. by FiNN8778
I mean. I’d take him to McDonald’s while I waited for the police to come arrest his ass. You can’t just be carjacking people.
_PM_ME_YOUR_FORESKIN t1_j58toje wrote
Reply to comment by axioner in TIL Every two weeks, an Indigenous language dies. by ImAllAboutYou
They also allowed residential schools until 1996. So, let’s not pretend Canada isn’t just solving a problem that they created — and they achieved exactly what they wanted. To take the Indian out of the child. 100+ years of residential schools, abuse, sexual abuse, etc. weren’t accidental. Again, all by design. The oppression continues today even if efforts are being made to improve things now. It’s a drop in the bucket compared to hundreds of years of state-sponsored or supported genocide.
_PM_ME_YOUR_FORESKIN t1_j5781gj wrote
Almost certainly by design. The effect of genocide, family separation, boarding schools, etc. is to thin numbers to such extremes that the language and culture cannot physically survive. What a shameful atrocity.
> While they differ in setting, culture, and phonetics, one aspect that most dead Indigenous languages share is that they perished as a result of colonization and the subsequent rise of international languages. As Indigenous languages go extinct, so too do the culture and history that they carry with them. In Canada, the government has been largely responsible for the decline of Canada’s Indigenous languages—yet, there may still be hope for them to be revitalized.
_PM_ME_YOUR_FORESKIN t1_j4wlny7 wrote
Reply to comment by PornstarVirgin in Columbus Zoo announces name of baby koala by citytiger
What were the two parents names?
> The name is a combination of Katy and Thoar, honoring their last baby together after Thoar was humanely euthanized on July 18, 2022 due to declining health.
Neither name has Ko. Neither name has Ra. Wtf.
_PM_ME_YOUR_FORESKIN t1_j4rzc4h wrote
Reply to comment by Xolver in New study shows: Black Adults Experienced Early Signs of Brain Aging Faster Than Other Ethnic Minority Groups by PaulHasselbaink
Your post history would suggest you’re 0% interested in actually changing your views. I don’t have time or energy to change your mind - but I can at least link to a different post.
_PM_ME_YOUR_FORESKIN t1_j4ry1hz wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in New study shows: Black Adults Experienced Early Signs of Brain Aging Faster Than Other Ethnic Minority Groups by PaulHasselbaink
No. If you can look at the totality of the US’s historical and current marginalization of Black communities and come to the conclusion it’s just some trait inherent in Black people, I’m going to assume a racist outlook. Let’s work on ensuring Black folks have equal footing in this society and then you can take a look at intra-community dynamics. But there’s not a way to, in my opinion, divorce the Black experience from generations of white supremacist oppression to draw these conclusions in a way that isn’t disingenuous.
(Edit: cont’d) Imagine asking, in 1950, “why does this have to be so ideological. Can’t we just point to some cultural dysfunction in the Black community?” as if we don’t have Black people drinking from separate water fountains. Things may be better than they we’re in 1950, but to assume that were in such a better place that those dynamics aren’t still pertinent is naive, if not intentionally harmful. It’s crazy to me that white people think that 350 years of legalized racial separation and impression is suddenly gone in the course of 50 years. It’s the privilege and naïveté of the oppressor to just turn their backs to those inconvenient truths.
_PM_ME_YOUR_FORESKIN t1_j4rxes9 wrote
Reply to comment by Kontropoli in New study shows: Black Adults Experienced Early Signs of Brain Aging Faster Than Other Ethnic Minority Groups by PaulHasselbaink
Read their comments on this thread. Sometimes racism is just racism. I’m not anti-discourse. But I’m not going to waste my time arguing with people who say blatantly racist stuff.
_PM_ME_YOUR_FORESKIN t1_jcuoatb wrote
Reply to comment by pzikho in TIL Crush Syndrome happens when the human body experiences severe skeletal muscle trauma under constant pressure for a long time resulting in shock and kidney failure; an example is a human trapped under a building in an earthquake. by ChiggaOG
Thank you very much. Appreciate the explanation.