
_W1T3W1N3_ t1_jdzamdu wrote

Reply to comment by Senior_Night_7544 in [i ate] Pho by nomaddopamine

Oh that, yes, someone has explained that, oh grand-pa-pa.

Ask not that pray that I should edit it, for the discomfort of doing so. I’ve got encumbered by the perils. Graces later such and such.

Pip pip.


_W1T3W1N3_ t1_jdy200s wrote

Reply to comment by opekiskagrl in [i ate] Pho by nomaddopamine

Yeah I just wanted to let you know to avoid looking stupid and I felt bad because it was I who used the mark and I didn’t want to cause anyone into dismay.


_W1T3W1N3_ t1_jdxyr6g wrote

Reply to comment by bucketassrabbit in [i ate] Pho by nomaddopamine

Had no idea. I knew it was the ở character but it doesn’t show up on my keyboard. I often look up online to cut&paste the correct form of words but I could have sworn I saw ò used elsewhere. I also didn’t know no one? minds if it’s unaccented. I would have thought it would be more annoying to not have at least some accent indicated. So that is good insight about sensibilities. And then there are our sensibilities too you know. I call people out on mistakes all the time so I will give you a pass.


_W1T3W1N3_ t1_jdxl5qx wrote

Reply to comment by derailed-caboose in [i ate] Pho by nomaddopamine

They sell Phò kits at my grocers. I might try one and see how good it is. It should only be a matter of spices, Thai Basil, and thin sliced beef.

I am something of a Phò proficionado trying all manner of Phò restaurants and I know what the best Phò probably tastes like at this point.


_W1T3W1N3_ t1_jdxkf6b wrote

Reply to comment by bobke4 in [i ate] Pho by nomaddopamine

Vietnamese soup and coffee— The best.

Thai stir fry— The best.

Chinese comfort food (sweet & sour, General Tsao’s, etc.)— The best.

They each have their own strength.

There was also a Chinese Shabu Shabu restaurant (which is Mongolian soup) that was superb on par with Phò for sure.


_W1T3W1N3_ t1_jacsbz7 wrote

They all taste like beef, but they each have their different texture, fat content and accentuated flavors. Prime Rib is softer and more succulent than Roast Beef but similar, and Filet Mignon is softer and more succulent than Rib Eye but similar. Rib Eye is juicier and fatter than any of them. Sirloin Steak is stringier and less juicy than Rib Eye. Ribs are stringy, fatty and juicy.

All of them could be chewy if done too quickly. Yes steak (Sirloin, Rib Eye, Filet Mignon) can be cooked fast searing it 4-minutes on each side per inch or something like that, but ribs and roasts (Prime Rib, Roast Beef, Spare Ribs, Baby Back Ribs) and etc. should be cooked low and long something like 375^o F 30-minutes to sear and then 275^o F for 1:30 to 2:30 hours, even up to 6:00 hours at 200-250^o F or until 135-145^o F internal temperature.

The elongated cooking time actually goes from a rubbery swelled chewy meat to at some point it breaks the meat fibers down and they become soft and succulent.

I have not tried all this yet I am just getting started cooking. I’ve only made 1 Beef Roast so far it was amazing. The biggest thing is to invest in an oven safe meat thermometer that you can stick in the meat. And what I do is rather than keep the meat in the fridge and let it go rancid or in the freezer which actually is reasonably fine I’ve resolved to have a roast or something on the day I go shopping. That way I can pick out the best meat and it needs to reach room temperature anyway before cooking so I prepare it right away getting home and it was f—ing amazing. The meat can then be frozen and sliced for quick meals. And if you factor in the actual meal cost by dividing its total cost by the number of meals you can get $2.50-$6.00 meals that will defeat any fast food restaurant to smithereens.


_W1T3W1N3_ t1_jaciwkn wrote

That’s the way Prime Rib looks believe it or not. It’s not undercooked meat that’s red it’s red meat that’s cooked. This is actually an important conception. A lot of people would think, self included, that red meat is got by undercooking it, not the case. Properly cooked red meat is got by cooking it at a low temperature for a long enough time. Apparently meat is safe to eat not when it comes to temperature necessarily, but when it is held to temperature for a long enough time. So bringing steak to 145o F or pork to 165o F will cook it, so will bringing steak to 140o F slowly and holding it there longer so enough of the bacteria dies but the meat stays soft and juicy, still red but safe to eat.


_W1T3W1N3_ t1_j5164nq wrote

Cooking time can vary wildly for the size of oven, position in oven, heat conductivity of pan, air flow in oven, preheating time of oven, and even the air pressure, air humidity, characteristics of the flour and particular density, amount or wetness of dough, especially with bread, which is why one must always learn to use the senses and become accustomed to understand where everything is in the process and how it needs to be adjusted to achieve the intended results.