
_mochi t1_j6496p3 wrote

With your brain dead logic any one of these companies that laid off people before Elon in 2022 are the one who set the trend

Zillow layoffs: 5% of workforce laid off (October, 2022)

Peloton layoffs: 12% of workforce laid off (October, 2022)

DocuSign layoffs: 9% of workforce laid off (September, 2022)

Taboola layoffs: 6% of workforce laid off (September, 2022)

Snapchat layoffs: 20% of workforce laid off (September, 2022)

Outbrain layoffs: 3% of workforce laid off (July, 2022)

Lyft layoffs: 2% of workforce laid off (July, 2022)

The Mom Project layoffs: 15% of workforce laid off (July, 2022)

Opensea layoffs: 20% of workforce laid off (July, 2022)

Substack layoffs: 14% of workforce laid off (June, 2022)

Ninantic layoffs: 8% of workforce laid off (June, 2022)

MasterClass layoffs: 20% of workforce laid off (June, 2022)

Bird layoffs: 23% of workforce laid off (June, 2022)

Superhuman layoffs: 22% of workforce laid off (June, 2022)

Cameo layoffs: 25% of workforce laid off (May, 2022)

Robinhood layoffs: 9% of workforce laid off (April, 2022)

Virgin Hyperloop layoffs: 50% of workforce laid off (February, 2022)

Peloton layoffs: 20% of workforce laid off (February, 2022)

Beachbody layoffs: 10% of workforce laid off (January, 2022)

This is my last message to your Hope you dreams come true don’t give up he might just fuck you


_mochi t1_j60e2q5 wrote

? All these tech companies has laid off people because of over hire or axed projects before Elon musk even bought Twitter

This is like saying I took a shit after a large meal but because Elon had diarrhea yesterday he’s starting a trend on expelling feces and I’m following his trend lol


_mochi t1_j600rmb wrote

im not gonna agree on something that is wrong

/1.you have 0 understanding of a techs life cycle and how a tech company functions
google can still be "functional" if they got rid of 90% of their workforce and why dont they do that why dont they even shave 50% of their current workforce do you think they are stupid and enjoy wasting money?

heck all the websites and software that is on the market today would still be "functional" if they got rid of all the developers and why dont they do that Arber? do some research or hey ask a friend that works as a dev what they do in a company that already has a product built

  1. Tech companies have been known to go thru cycle of hiring and shaving because of overhired and axing projects the only difference this time is they hired way more than they ever did so naturally the amount of people that got laid off would be a bigger number too (MSFT case they still have more employees after the layoffs than any other year) another reason is huge tech projects are not hitting expectation like amazons alexa and MSFT's AR/VR

Did elon walk up early today and set a trend on waking up after sleeping? lmao

  1. Now on your idol he is getting rid of large amount of people and selling shit left and right is because he can't afford them sure there some bloat all company has some bloat but thats not the main reason his twitter deal is losing him a shit ton of money and twitter debt needs to be paid

he's dodging rent payments

Selling his tesla shares to cover Twitter

Fundraising to pay debt

dragging his Tesla employees to Twitter to help out

and more

there's a lot more to Twitter than just the website he paralyzed a shit ton of teams to save money he will rehire when he gets out of this debt and Twitter starts to turn around as much as I dont like the guy he's not stupid enough to run Twitter barebones long term or he would have done that to tesla/spaceX


_mochi t1_j5zajnz wrote

>This does not disprove that musk started the trend of getting rid of redundant tech workers. In fact it only proves my point further.

>Clearly the tech sector over hired and then had to make a correction.

The amount of mental gymnastics your doing is incredible you almost had it


_mochi t1_j5xj6ps wrote

look at the amount these companies hired during Covid -2022 compared to any other year previously then look at what division these companies are axing

Will help a lot with getting that foot out of your mouth

> Microsoft had 221,000 employees as of June 30, an increase of 40,000 people or 22% from the same point the prior year, according to data included in the company’s annual Form 10K filing with the SEC.

>It was the largest annual increase in employment in Microsoft’s history, based on data tracked by GeekWire.

From 2022

Here’s a graph if numbers is too hard for u