
accsuibleh t1_ja042yt wrote

Sure there is.

- Don't jump off a tall building

-Don't submerge yourself in water until you are dead

-Don't stand on top of a hill with a metal pole during a thunderstorm.

-Don't stick your hand into a fire.

Among many more I don't care to list. Just because there is the occasional person who defies common sense doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

The majority of people are not racist or bigots. It is common sense not to be one. Only fools, idiots, or malevolent people are racist or bigots.


accsuibleh t1_j9yvcyz wrote

Wealthy, republican, right-wingers, conservatives = Choices, not oppressed.

Disable people, blacks, Asians, homosexuals = Not choices, historically oppressed.

Why does it not letting someone be racist or homophobic more than insulting someone for their freely-held beliefs come across as surprising?

Political ideology is not and should not be a protected class in any form. Economically, the wealthy can take care of themselves, while poorer people are vulnerable to their whims. Racially, a cursory glance at history and one can easily see why the list is structured this way. Ethnically, similar to the above.

This is not left-leaning. This is basic common sense. You can't be a racist or a bigot, and historically speaking this list seems to mostly reflect common and established bigotries.