
ackme t1_jd5j2uv wrote

Who the fuck calls it Sakura season though?

Absolutely no one! It's not unreasonable to admit that for most people, the words "cherry tree" are the applicable words, and that, due to common practice, people associate the word "cherry" with the flavor of "cherry".

If someone released a sakura beer and it tasted like bing cherries, by all means, hit 'em up. But no one is lining up outside their local bar for a "sakura surprise" cocktail.


ackme t1_j86tacl wrote

Do not consult a philosophy major. If you consult an academic philosopher, get someone with at least a masters. Remember that at many schools, philosophy majors are 12 credit hours from math majors. I'm not knocking them, but relying on an undergrad with something as top-heavy as philosophy is a recipe for disaster.

If you've read what you're saying you've read, there's a chance you've read as much as some of them anyhow.

I'm 50/50 on if you should consult someone or not. On one hand, philosophy is so beautiful once you tear it open, and for 99% of people, you need to be taught how to think that way. Not what to think, just how to approach the questions, and how to wrap your mind around the subtexts and contexts and biases.

On the other hand, it's your game, and there's a very real chance of getting too bogged down in philosophy and losing the thread.

Good luck, generally. This looks really cool!