alterVgo t1_j2068k4 wrote
Reply to Buy books or borrow from library? by ladyluckyy777
Why not both? I’m lucky enough to be able to afford to buy books when I want, so I do. I’m lucky enough to have a great library system to borrow from, so I do. Access books whatever way is best for you and makes you happiest.
alterVgo t1_j1wkgl4 wrote
Reply to Last year was fun, so I'm posting again! I make Christmas cookies after books I've read over the year! See if you can guess what I've read! by TonytheEE
Well, 5 is definitely Dracula. That’s all I got.
alterVgo t1_itviw1x wrote
Reply to Just finished The Charm Offensive by ImprovementNo2585
One of my favorite reads last year! Totally unexpected, since I’m not a fan of Bachelor-type shows, but I enjoyed this story a lot. I appreciated the aspec rep, as well.
alterVgo t1_j514tf1 wrote
Reply to Greetings everyone! A lot of people say reading books is beneficial for you, though... by RaderH2O
I don’t think anyone can answer the question of why fantasy matters better than Sir Terry Pratchett.