Submitted by ladyluckyy777 t3_zxeapy in books

What do you look for when buying books? Why not just borrow from the library? I love reading and love going to B&N to look for books to buy but end up leaving empty handed because i tell myself I can just borrow from the library bc am I really going to read this book a second time. Just want to see what people think and how you decide to buy a book or to just borrow it.



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Jenniferinfl t1_j1zr5sv wrote

I have a multistep process.

If the book is really old where the ebook is free, I just read the ebook.

If the book is newer than that, I check the library first. If not available at the library and not available as a cheap ebook, then I buy the book.

Used books vary a lot in price. If the used book is only a couple dollar savings over the new book, I just buy the new book.

I'm 40 and own a few thousand books. Those are just the ones the library didn't have that weren't available free or cheap.

Now, I do make some exceptions for absolute favorites. So, books I'm likely to reread or pick up occasionally I go ahead and buy a copy.

But, yeah, if you read a lot you can quickly own way too many books if you buy them all.


ladyluckyy777 OP t1_j1zrrdc wrote

Love your process! Will keep some of these tips in mind. Thanks.


cjenningspenders t1_j216ug6 wrote

There are only a few books I will buy now from favorite authors:

  1. Jonathan Carroll
  2. Gary Braver
  3. Alice Hoffman

Everything else I borrow from the library.


Rom-TheVacuousSpider t1_j1zr7rq wrote

I buy from library sales/stores. Books are $.25-$5 max unless super collectible. Able to find whole sets. That way I still support the library with purchases. Borrow books when I can. New/full priced only rarely.


KiwiTheKitty t1_j1zrgk3 wrote

Library booksales are the best!! Mine does $1 for mass market and $2 for trade paperbacks and hardcovers


Rom-TheVacuousSpider t1_j1zrtb9 wrote

They are the best. Until the resellers show up. Nice thing is that every city has at least one library. So you miss one sale, check the next city over. $.25 for bad condition books, $.50 pb, $1 hardcover, special book room with books $1.50-$5.


ladyluckyy777 OP t1_j1zrlmw wrote

I’ve never checked out the library store, will def do that. Thanks!


Rom-TheVacuousSpider t1_j1zs0yr wrote

Check your local libraries for stores and sales. May be run by a “friends of the library” organization. Basically volunteers. $$$ goes back to library. Also check to see if they sell on eBay. I’ve bought several sets from libraries online.


lazygirlvibes t1_j23a9po wrote

Surprisingly thrift stores have such a huge collection of books too!


mediocremo t1_j1zssef wrote

I've stopped buying books since I got a kindle, and zero regrets really! I've had my kindle for 4 years and it's still going strong - somehow don't miss the tactile book feel as much as I thought I would, and I think I've actually read a lot more since I got a kindle.


smurfette_9 t1_j1zukar wrote

Same! I’ve read so much more since I got my first kindle back in 2007(?). One of my best all time purchases. I love a paper book but space is very limited for me so I’ve gotten rid of almost all my books since I got my kindle. And I keep a wishlist of books on my Amazon account that I check everyday and buy books when on sale. Almost all the books I’ve purchased ranged from free to $6 USD at most. I’ve only bought a handful books at full price (Michelle and Barack Obama’s books).


jangleberry112 t1_j20gxn0 wrote

Same here. My public library's Overdrive is huge, and I also use Kindle Unlimited for the free 3 month trial for additional content. I use Goodreads for reading suggestions, as well as looking at how books rank at my library. I haven't needed to even visit in person. I haven't bought a physical book since I got my Kindle. Total game changer.


DrHutch22 t1_j20ruqa wrote

SAME! I thought I’d miss the book feel/smell too but I also read a lot more!


gardenomette t1_j1zsexz wrote

I don't buy books I haven't read. I borrow them and if I love them and want to re-read them, then I buy them so I won't have to keep borrowing it.


Elco1998 t1_j23o1sg wrote

But you can't borrow any book. But you can buy any book. So you might miss-out on some good reads. The Internet has millions of books compared to a library.


gardenomette t1_j23rcqs wrote

Between free books online, borrowing from friends, and my library that will order in books from all the other libraries in the country+their ebook apps, I really haven't had a problem finding good books I want to read. 🤷‍♀️ There's so much other stuff I'd rather spend money on.


Elco1998 t1_j2480v7 wrote

As long as it works for you.

What about popular novels? Would you buy those?


gardenomette t1_j24c8l9 wrote

As I said, if I borrow a book and it turns out I absolutely love it and I want to re-read it several times, then I buy it. I just don't want my bookshelves to have books on them that aren't special to me or are unread. I've moved twice with a 400+ book collection and I'm not doing that ever again, it's heavy, expensive and it limits the choice you have when deciding where to move. So now I'm down to +-40, and it feels a lot better. And I'm saving money and that's good too. Fingers crossed I'll have the money to own a house before I die. 🤞


Elco1998 t1_j252qmb wrote

400+ books? You must be a walking encyclopedia by now. Hahaha. Anyway. That's a lot of wood to be transporting. I think digital is the way for you. 😂

All the best on your house. I hope it works-out. It's certainly a far-reaching dream for me atm. Anyway...🤞 for you.


1436jt t1_j1zrdi8 wrote

I used to buy brand new books when i was young then i realized it makes much more sense to buy used books as used books are way cheaper then as I get older I can’t stay awake when reading a book so i switched to audiobooks. I get to do stuff like cleaning my room or walking while listening. I love it.


alterVgo t1_j2068k4 wrote

Why not both? I’m lucky enough to be able to afford to buy books when I want, so I do. I’m lucky enough to have a great library system to borrow from, so I do. Access books whatever way is best for you and makes you happiest.


IntelligentPanic8737 t1_j206559 wrote

Books have gotten so dang expensive so I pretty much exclusively just use the library now. I'm not a re-reader though. If I was, I might be more inclined to buy a book.


Aerosol668 t1_j1ztfng wrote

When I was young and couldn’t afford many books, I used the library a lot. It did mean I had to read the books inside the 14 day lending period, and with new books there was usually a waiting list which meant you could not extend the lending period if you hadn’t finished it. These days I buy books - and it means if I’m not in the mood to read it just yet, then it’s waiting on the shelf for when I am.


Jjm3233 t1_j20566f wrote

Similar for me. Plus if I own them, I don't have to wait if I want to reread them.


brewandchess t1_j1zv2u7 wrote

>I love reading and love going to B&N to look for books to buy but end up leaving empty handed because i tell myself I can just borrow from the library

I cannot tell you the number of times I have visited a Waterstones and thought exactly this! So comforting to hear that it isn't just me.

With that said, whilst I would like to say I only read Library books, most of my planned reading for the next few months are books I own except for a few history books and biographies which it just makes no sense to spend the money on when they're available for free down the road.


The_not-chosen_one t1_j1zrsuj wrote

Since I don't have the space,and the money, to buy all the books I want I usually borrow them from the library.


belledark t1_j1zvewf wrote

I borrow everything I can!

I buy:

• super cheap paperbacks at the charity shop if the library doesn't stock them, that are then re-donated

• books related to my career for my desk shelf after reading

• antique hardcovers of anything interesting/beautiful


3rd-eye-blind t1_j1zzwa3 wrote

I only buy books if they're by a local author I want to support, it's a classic/book that I love and will read more than once, or if it's one I know I can't get at the library.

Otherwise, I borrow from the library. And I get TONS of books from Little Free Libraries!


spidybitch t1_j1zyoiw wrote

Buy;I love having my own little library


KiwiTheKitty t1_j1zr95a wrote

90% of my books are bought used, not from B&N or another new bookstore. Even when I buy new, I do the buy 1 get one 50% off or go to the local bookstore and get their 10% off staff picks. I don't remember the last time I spent full price on a new book.

I do check out ebooks and audiobooks from my library, but I prefer reading physical books and not having a deadline, so I prefer buying. I'm not rich or anything, I just don't go crazy and try to keep my buying in pace with what I actually read.


Jenstarflower t1_j1zv571 wrote

I only buy books that I've read and loved so much that I'll read them again.


locallibraryfan t1_j1zvq0k wrote

I don’t have a lot of space to store books, so I primarily borrow from my local library or if it’s a newer book, I will borrow from friends / family if they’ve purchased it. Admittedly, I also like to borrow books because it releases little bit of the pressure if I end up not liking it and DNF haha.

In a few years, when I have more space and bookshelves, I would love to buy more. I try to be sustainable and environmentally friendly, so I prefer buying used books. Honestly, I don’t remember the last time I bought a book. I would say 60% of what I read comes from the library, or from others, and the other 40% is audiobooks through Libby.


[deleted] t1_j1zqsnr wrote

If I were rich I would love to buy all the books . But currently it's half half . I buy more but only because my library is shitty


CarcosaJuggalo t1_j1zsisg wrote

I buy used, there's specific authors I like to collect (King, Koontz, Straub, and Gaiman). My most recent score was a first edition copy of Desperation for $3.


IndigoTrailsToo t1_j1ztfsy wrote

Or you can do all of them at the same time?

If I bought a book but don't like it then I trade it into the used bookstore.

If I am buying a book it's usually because I can't find it at the library or the wait is too long.


Electrical-Aside3023 t1_j1ztphh wrote

Do I want to annotate it? If so, i purchase it. If not.. probably the library. Except my favorites.


Unbutton0139 t1_j1zuett wrote

I do a mix. I use my library's ebook borrowing app quite a bit for reading when I don't have a physical book. It also gives me something to do when I've pulled out my phone on instinct. I buy books from my local independent book store or from a used bookstore.


veeb02 t1_j1zv10g wrote

I have always done a mix of both. Growing up, I lived in a large city where there was a great selection of books in the library system. Now, I live in a different state and in a small town, and books I want to read are not usually available.

I do purchase books but I will see if it’s more cost effective to purchase used. I enjoy visiting used book stores and browsing! I also enjoy older book covers to newer editions. It really just depends!


Zikoris t1_j1zwwln wrote

I buy books when the library doesn't have them, which is somewhat regularly if you read much outside of the mainstream popular stuff. My local library is absolutely phenomenal, and has almost everything I want to read, but I still usually need to buy about four or five a month.


minimalist_coach t1_j202jvs wrote

I used to love to go to all kinds of bookstores and would buy a stack of books, find a place on my shelf, and often never read them. I had several bookshelves of books that at the time of purchase I thought I'd like to read soon. In reality, I had little time to read anything that wasn't work-related, so they sat, for years.

When we moved I purged my books and only packed 2 boxes.

Now I have a lot of time to read and I primarily borrow from the library in all formats.

I do still buy books occasionally. I buy books that either my library doesn't carry or if the waitlist is too long. I'm fine waiting for months for books unless I need them for a book club or they are part of a series and I don't want too much time to elapse between books.


Sophiesmom2 t1_j2060pm wrote

Thrift stores are great for.buying books. We have an Assistance League shop here in town that is run by retired teachers. The book section is like going into a well organized bookstore or library. .25 to 1.00 for most books.


zumera t1_j208734 wrote

We used libraries throughout my childhood. We had a collection of picture books but by the time I graduated to children’s chapter books and young adult novels, we couldn’t afford to buy books. Now, as an adult, I have the means to buy books and so that’s what I do. It’s important to me to support authors and independent bookstores.


Dying4aCure t1_j217lwg wrote

Libby! I have only bought 2 books in 4 years. I bought them because they were books my friends have written. Instead I use Libby on my Kindle and donate to the library.


CherryLeigh86 t1_j1zques wrote

borrow. i dont re read but if i did, id buy the books i loved from the library


unlovelyladybartleby t1_j1zrorl wrote

I buy used books (unless it's someone's first book or a Canadian author, then I pay for new). Can't stand returning them to the library as I'm a rereader


overthebridge65 t1_j1zt6pz wrote

Libraries are a wonderful asset but as I’m so impatient, I tend to opt for buying books as I want to read it quicker than the library allows


Decent_Committee2308 t1_j1ztwmv wrote

I usually just buy books. I just like having nice new things🙂 but also i think i read too slowly(read slow and busy life) to borrow from library


Lonely_Philosopher86 t1_j1zvvoz wrote

Buying books on Amazon is usually cheaper than Barnes & Noble’s but if the book is too expensive or if I don’t have enough money then the library is the best option.


UncutEmeralds t1_j1zvysg wrote

I buy most of my books used from various shops around town unless it’s a series I’m following a new release comes out, then I’ll buy a new copy, both to read it faster and support the author. But as of now that’s not many. I try and stick with mostly older series or standalones that are complete.


SweetCosmicPope t1_j1zw31t wrote

I'm guilty of buying most of my books from amazon or B&N.

I like building up my library of books. I can go back and dig through them again if I want. I can make annotations, rare as that may be. If I love a book I can loan it to a friend. And sometimes they just look great.

I have a strong preference for hardcover books, and sometimes I'll spend a long time picking out just the right version of the book that I think will make a great conversation piece.


favlibrarian t1_j1zwttu wrote

I borrow almost everything! I only buy a book when I am sure I want to reread it or want to own every book in a certain series, etc.


booksandbiking t1_j1zwz7d wrote

I borrow from the library if I’ve reread it and loved it or after the initial read I know I’m going to want to reread it I buy it. If it’s a proven author that I love and part of a series I already have I will buy. I was a member of Book of the Month for 2 or 3 years and have so many books I’m never going to read again or haven’t even picked up yet that I canceled my membership. I’m back to my old ways of only buying what I’ve already loved.


lydiardbell t1_j1zyavi wrote

If it's my first time reading a book, I'll almost always get it from the library (especially now I work at an academic library with access to two huge interlibrary loan networks). If I can't find it at the library, or I've read it before and know I want to read it again, I'll buy it secondhand.


Wickedjr89 t1_j202mrl wrote

I sometimes use my library, but I also love buying books. I don't really have a system but I do use the library extension on chrome (which works on Goodreads and other sites) so I know easily if a book is at my library (or scribd or hoopla) or not. Many books I want to read are not at the library. I do buy cheap used books from thriftbooks sometimes to. They don't all have to be new. :)


Humble_Draw9974 t1_j205f5k wrote

It’s an impulse decision, like purchasing skincare products I never use or eating too much ice cream. I don’t know why. The reasons are buried in my psyche.


Complex_Dragonfly_59 t1_j20fj2r wrote

I buy for others (to support the authors and bookstores I love). I borrow for me (and I donate to the library whenever I can).


okiegirl22 t1_j20ft9q wrote

I am almost embarrassed at how little I use my library for my own personal reading! I use it for my kid frequently, and I love libraries in general, but I just don’t use it for myself.

My big problem is my library seems to never have what I want to read available when I want to read it. Anything even slightly popular has a wait list, physical or ebook. And by the time my hold has come in, I’m no longer in the mood for that book. And my library doesn’t usually have most of the books I’m interested in reading in the first place.

Book shopping/collecting is also just something I really enjoy, so I always have something to read at home anyway!


seattle_architect t1_j20l284 wrote

It is a personal choice.

For me buying is for collecting and library is for reading.


Vifti t1_j20s5u6 wrote

I think for me it comes for Personalization: Owning a book allows you to personalize it in ways that borrowing doesn't. You can write notes in the margins, highlight passages that are meaningful to you, and even decorate the cover if you wish.


HappyLeading8756 t1_j20z249 wrote

I generally buy because I live in non-English speaking country and e-libraries didn't really become a thing until recently.

So I buy ebooks that are on monthly offer, so between 0,99€-3,49€. I rarely buy books at full price unless it's something I really want to read (generally books from series). I guess those are the books I would otherwise borrow from the library.

I buy physical copies of the books I read and loved, non-fiction books that I want to have on the shelf, Collins classics and some random books I have gotten as a gift/or bought when visiting book shop because they caught my attention due to interesting description or beautiful cover and were in discount/good price.


Maximus361 t1_j2112rs wrote

I buy books for several reasons. I like to support authors and publishers. I like to take my time, read at my own pace without a looming deadline. I know I can always simply renew the book at the library, but I still like to think of it as my own instead of borrowing. I almost always trade in books I buy at used book stores, so I’m supporting them too.


Roisepoise101 t1_j21a34k wrote

Depends on the book and if it’s worth having permanently.


BookDragon19 t1_j21afbj wrote

Depends on the book, honestly.

My library system is kind of limited. In some instances they’ve only had the first book in a series. When it turns out to be one I enjoy, I have to go buy all the other books.

If it’s a new release that I’m interested in but unsure I’ll actually enjoy I wait for it to hit my local second-hand bookshops or wait for it to be on sale/clearance at one of the bigger chain bookstores. I’ll also wait for certain out of print editions to show up in my second-hand stores instead of buying a new book with new cover art that doesn’t match my existing set.

If it’s a special edition or an author I love then I’ll purchase new from a local book shop or one of the big chains.

I’ll hit up library book sales in the bigger cities near me when I’m looking to expand my comfort zone and try out new authors/genres I don’t read often - if at all. And when I’m searching for vintage or out of print covers for the classics as they’re likely to have what I’m looking for.

I usually purchase ebooks when a title I want is on a great sale or if I get an apple/kindle gift card.

I’m a big re-reader. Owning copies of my favorites is important to me.


RadioPortWenn t1_j21g4md wrote

I tend to buy books that I'm fairly confident I'll enjoy quite a bit (and will complete the series if applicable) because I'm always really sad when I make that investment for something I don't like very much. Obviously there's no way to be sure ahead of time though.

I'll also buy a book if it's one I want to collect for my personal library, even if I've read it already and may or may not re-read. These are books I love or by authors I love or to finish out a series.

Sometimes I buy just for the fun of book shopping, even if I'm rolling the dice on something hit or miss.

Otherwise I tend to borrow from the library! I love saving money and supporting public libraries at the same time, as well as the cozy happy feeling of going there!


Curlyq1988 t1_j21gbo6 wrote

I borrow from the library and if it's really good I buy it from the bookstore.


Dana07620 t1_j21ipcu wrote

Both. I check it out of the library first and if I love it enough, then I'll buy it.


UmDoWhatNow t1_j21jyr7 wrote

I borrow books from the library, and if it's one that I think I'll read multiple times or that I keep thinking about or think I'll recommend to friends at some point, I'll buy it. That's my criteria for giving a book of five also.


StoicComeLately t1_j21lj3n wrote

For a specific title, I'll check Hoopla first, then my libraries, then Thriftbooks eBay store. Then, if I'm really desperate to read it, I'll buy it from Amazon.

But a lot of the time, I just drop in the library and browse. I always come out with at least two I'm excited about.


Nick_The_Knight_ t1_j21m2bz wrote

I don’t read fast enough to warrant getting books from the library so I just buy the book.


Shadow_Lass38 t1_j21myyw wrote

The library doesn't have most of the books I read.

In fact the library seems to have fewer and fewer books every time I go to it, and more computers. When I first moved to this county 30 years ago, the main library had wooden shelving way over my head and almost every shelf was stuffed with books. Now there are fewer, metal shelves, they are not even six feet high, and if each shelf is 1/3 full, that's a lot. Many of the shelves have only four or five books on them.


kskgkatz t1_j21n0x1 wrote

As a rule, I do not re-read books (except the one put out yearly by my favorite author, because I read them fast), so I only download free books. I get everything else via the library, or Kindle Unlimited, which I do pay for every 2 years.


Apprehensive-Rub-920 t1_j21p8hn wrote

I feel it's a whole diffrent feeling when you actully own a book, and just have it near you at all times. I'm not sure how to explain it but, it just feels right yk? Sure you can use a e-book or use a kindle, but I just think it's much better when you really read a book the way it's supposed to be read, and not from a screen or a very old and used library book. Mabye I have this opinion because I believe books are very special and they are almost a part of me. Some people might say "it's a waste of money" but that is simply not true, trust me you will feel great when you finish the book, and see it everyday and you go like "yeah, I finished that :)". Just gets you in a good mood.


South_Honey2705 t1_j21wzpp wrote

I buy mostly second hand books and I review books on the side and get copies of advanced reader cooies so am I to ears in books literally


oldmilkman73 t1_j220zgb wrote

Both, most libraries sell used books.


--misunderstood-- t1_j221qnb wrote

The libraries near me don't have much on offer. On the odd occasion, they will have a new-ish release (only 1 copy), the waitlist will be months long. So I tend to buy a lot of my books. I just shop around and find the cheapest price I can.


luo_bo t1_j2244ok wrote

I used to buy tons of books from thrift stores, mostly because the location was more accessible than the library for me.

But now I mostly read ebooks from the library (Libby). I still buy books, both used and new, but only books I’ve already read and liked enough to feel it’s worth adding to my collection. I rarely reread but I want my books to reflect my tastes and interests, and it’s also handy to own all the books I like so I can lend them to a friend.


riordan2013 t1_j225mqs wrote

There is pretty much one scenario in which I will buy a book without reading it first, and that is if I go to a bookstore to have a browse and it catches my eye. (And I usually end up reading the first bit standing in the store, so if it's hooked me I'll buy it.)

Otherwise, I buy books if I already love the author (though this doesn't happen often aside from cookbooks) or if I borrowed it and loved it. I have a "love it enough to buy it" tag in Goodreads.


yoon_dowoon t1_j22ao4u wrote

I usually give books a try by borrowing from library online archives. If I find myself repeatedly returning to a book either to re-read completely or re-read my favorite lines, I'll purchase. The only books I tend to buy right off the bat are classics or other books that I know I'll want to keep for years. I'm an active reader who really enjoys annotating so if there's a book I know I want to fully immerse myself in or if it's a book that I know will require more of my energy and concentration than is typical, I'll buy so I can annotate freely.


booksandsweets t1_j22ap8w wrote

Here’s my approach:

BORROW: hot new releases when I get on the hold list early. If everyone already knows about it, the wait is likely months or longer. For reference, I have an e-book hold that is likely to reach an anniversary of the date I put it on hold.

BUY: Physical copies of anything that I want to take my time with, including classics (I have format and translator preferences), books I am confident will be good reads for me (reading my way through Kazuo Ishiguro and Hilary Mantel), and books just not in my library’s system. Rarely I will get a frontlist I’m just excited about. I also preload my e-reader with just about anything I’m interested in when they’re on sale for 2.99 or so, since I use my e-reader primarily for travelling and my library is unreliable for availability of titles (see above, haha)

This has worked for me, I read 50-60 books per year but I’m not drowning in books, especially unread ones. The few unread titles I have waiting on my shelves I look forward to when I see them but the number isn’t overwhelming.

Figure out what works for you, don’t overthink it!


Kitsune_island t1_j22bq9h wrote

I usually buy from Half Price Books and if not,B&N then Amazon if my first two options are exhausted. I really need to utilize the library more!

Also miss Waldenbooks,B Dalton and Borders!


boodaban t1_j22e2u9 wrote

I have always needed to be surrounded by books, so more often then not I find myself buying books. Sometimes new, sometimes used, and it doesn’t always have to be something I know I’ll read. There are books I want to own just because it intrigues me or makes me happy in some way.

More often when I was younger I would borrow from the library, but when a story sticks with me I need to own the book as well. I would put those books on a gift list or on a future buy list to wait for sales. I do still often borrow books from friends though, as there is no strict time period to get them back.

I also have a large collection of audio books and ebooks. Most of these I also own in physical form, and the reason I purchase non-physical formats is because I want to read them again but either don’t have time to read visually (audiobooks on my drive to work) or I wanted a few of my favorites on hand all the time when it wasn’t feasible to carry them around.

Once in awhile I will purge some books, but it’s limited because it’s not often I dislike or become disinterested in a book enough to deem it unworthy of staying. But I also will reread books over and over again, so while I wouldn’t say collecting them is a waste of space or money, rereading allows me a valid reason to keep them.


Queasy_Recover5164 t1_j22gwf6 wrote

I buy non-fiction books that are in my field of work. Partly to re-read and reference, but also to loan out to others. I stopped buying fiction years ago when I got a Kindle. I don’t really feel the need to show off a massive library.


20above t1_j22loju wrote

I buy mostly so I can control my reading experience. Read books when I want to read them. Everything has a long waitlist and as a mood reader that doesn’t work very well with my reading habits.

I probably go for the library if it’s something I’m really hesitant about or if it’s hard to get my own copy of but the library has it.


AbbyM1968 t1_j22t0g9 wrote

Libraries are nice,for books you'll only read once. But, I'm an annotator and rereader, so I buy used, or sometimes new.I have a pretty big library of my own. And not enough space for all my books. I tried audiobooks once; I din't like it, so never tried again. I used to have books on my iPad, but have since switched to Samsung, so... those are now gone. 😢

But, whatever way you read is the best way. Audiobooks, kindle, kobo, iPad, or paper & ink. If cost is an issue, borrowing from a lib'ary is least expensive. Good reading.


Just_Ad_8415 t1_j22ueo8 wrote

I buy old/used books at Goodwill and order new books on Amazon.


violetlilyrose t1_j22zq2b wrote

I do both. Not a huge process of deciding really. I mostly borrow ebooks from the library to read on my Kindle but I do check out physical books too, depending on what is convenient and/or available. I also buy books regularly. We have a decent sized library (we both worked for B&N in the past, I worked in a used book warehouse, he's now a librarian) Guess it depends on if I'm fairly certain I'll want to own it eventually (authors I'm familiar with, classics, etc) or if it's an impulse read (I've read a lot of the "Duke Classics" epub ebooks from the library lately, but I'd like to buy them eventually because I loved them) Many books I wanted to read this last year the library didn't have. In a couple cases I requested them, and they got them for me. In a couple cases I just jumped on Alibris and bought the book. I follow r/ebookdeals and buy those sometimes. There's a great used bookstore here in town I keep meaning to get to and go browse and see what I can turn up. I have a lot of comics on my pull list, which I read ongoing rather than wait for the collected edition/graphic novel, but sometimes I read those through Marvel Unlimited or Hoopla or something digitally too. So I do a little bit of everything. I just like to read a whole lot! I don't have a specific process for deciding how, I just end up doing it.


Spare-Variation-7702 t1_j230x25 wrote

I try to support my favorite authors as much as I can, so I will usually buy a copy either at release or when it hits paperback.

I tend to use the library for books or authors I am unsure of. If I like it and think I will reread it I will buy a copy. I've recently downsized my personal library cause I just, sadly do not read as much as I did about 10 years ago. Books were just collecting dust.


diazona t1_j2323x6 wrote

Like a few other people said, I'll buy books that I might want to read repeatedly. But also, if I think a book was particularly well written, I'll buy it as a way of supporting the author and showing that I'm interested in more of that type of content.

I'm sure disappointingly little of the money I spend actually makes it to the author, but buying it seems like a logical first step.

Of course this is limited by my income and how much space I have to store books, if it's a physical book. (Currently all my bookshelves are overflowing so... the competition is tough lol)


infooverload80 t1_j235vir wrote

I absolutely LOVE the library... but I also have a Kindle and will occasionally buy a book if I absolutely love it and need it on my shelf❤️


Elco1998 t1_j23nrlh wrote

Us "Non-North Americans" dont know what you mean by B&N. I'm gonna assume its a book shop of some sort. Anyway...

You can't borrow any book, but you can buy any book.

It's a matter of what you need and your financial situation. If you cant afford it — borrow it (borrowing from the librabry is completely free in Ireland with no late charges).

If you need multiple books of a single category e.g., for studies — borrow it. Is it a specific book? You might only be able to buy it, and want to reread it or use as a refernece here-and-there — buy it.

The library doesn't have everything, but the interent does. But maybe this B&N place does. But I'm not sure what that is.


ladyluckyy777 OP t1_j241qpk wrote

Yes it’s a book store called Barnes & Noble. I should have made that more clear. Thank you for your input!


Rachels_top_reads t1_j240l6r wrote

I usually borrow from the library but if there’s a good price or if many people I know have rated a book highly, I take the chance and buy it


Giraldi23 t1_j247jgm wrote

I’ll do both. If there’s a book/series that I like enough that I’m going to reread it, or if there’s a new book by an author that I like enough, I’ll often buy them, but there’re a lot of books that I’ll check out from the library as well.


lil_uzihurt t1_j25aq6a wrote

Definitely borrow from the library. If I bought every book I read, I would have been thousands of dollars in debt by now.


rogash98 t1_j25pss2 wrote

I sometimes borrow a book from the library. If I like it, I buy it so that I can read it whenever I want without the time limit.


arcoiris2 t1_j267yry wrote

Generally my first choice is to borrow from the library, due to limited space and money. My next choice is to buy second hand (if I can find a copy that's in decent shape) if I think I will reread it. I will buy a new book only if I can't find it elsewhere, or if it's a longer book with an unacceptably short checkout time at the library.


SectorEducational460 t1_j29nyi5 wrote

Kindle. Limited space, and I have issues with throwing books out, or selling books. Sometimes I want to reread my books. Should I then buy a new one, or wait for a sale. Nah. Library can be good but If I want to read a book, and it's not in that specific library. Why waste time going to another Library. Makes my life easier. I am also not romantic about print books. It's a book, as long as I can read the story. That's all that matters to me. I buy books on sales as well. Plus it works well for someone with limited space.


ragazza68 t1_j2ah5k9 wrote

Both. My library has good used book sales - usually $3.00 for a hardback, $2.00 for paperback; there’s not much I can’t justify buying at those prices. And my favorite independent bookstore has great used books too m


fernleon t1_j2ck334 wrote

I buy books as I like to support authors and bookstores.


ChaserNeverRests t1_j208pwp wrote

I never ever buy physical books anymore.

I moved from New York to California.

Moved multiple times within California.

Moved from California to New Mexico.

I lugged so many boxes of books across the country, I just won't do that anymore. I have 280 unread books on my Kindle (down from a high of almost 500), and I can carry them all around for less weight than a single paperback book.

My order is: Cheap ebook > library > full priced ebook.


Pride-Impossible t1_j20ck7b wrote

I use the library a lot! For the books that I like enough to want a copy either to display or lend out, I buy a copy. Those books are the ones I will read again.


Negative-Appeal9892 t1_j20dj3t wrote

I always hit the library first and if I happen to really like the book I've just read, or like the author, I'll buy it from Books a Million in the mall near me.


theoriemeister t1_j20dkvq wrote

Every fall my local library has a huge book sale. I bought about 10 books this year, all for $6.00. I get cheap books to read and I support the library at the same time.


Paetoja t1_j20ep55 wrote

I use the library when i want to read a book or a bunch of books by an author for the first time. I usually buy books that I reread. There is a lot of underlying and highlighting when I reread stuff, even if its the third or fourth time.


crystalsinwinter t1_j20filr wrote

I love to do both. If I want to reread the book over and over again, I will buy it from Barnes & Noble. If I only want to read it maybe once or twice, then I will borrow it from the library.


pigeon_starling314 t1_j20huh1 wrote

I generally buy, because even though I love to read I get easily distracted and forget about the book for a while before picking it back up again.

Another untapped source I use... borrowing friends books! It's free and unless they haven't read it yet, they won't hound you to return it within two weeks.


Civil_Turnover t1_j20irs6 wrote

It really just depends on my mood, currently I’m tight on space and money so ebooks and library books are my go to. Some books that I’ve loved I may consider purchasing it just to be able to constant see it.


ChanteBella t1_j20kpom wrote

I typically buy my books either second hand or from a discount site like Book Outlet unless it’s something I really want to read and I can’t find it elsewhere. I like having a physical bookshelf full of all my favorites to look at and reread if I want to and if I didn’t love a book I donate it or give it to a friend I think might like it more. Reading is probably my main hobby so I don’t mind investing the money into buying books.


ilysespieces t1_j20m0hx wrote

I don't have much space currently, the majority of my book collection is in boxes in the back of a closet. Plus I almost exclusively read books on my kindle, so I use Libby constantly. I have bought 2 physical books this year, both because you don't get the full experience on an e-reader (or it's just not possible), Horrorstör and S., neither of which I've read yet.


PearlieVictorious t1_j20o6zw wrote

Both. Most of the books I read are borrowed from the library because I rarely re-read books.


living_geeky t1_j20qnk2 wrote

I almost always read books for the first time from the library. If the book is a WOW, wherein it sticks with me for a long time and I find myself wanting to read it again, then I'll let my family know so they have an easy birthday/Christmas gift for me. Or I'll wait for a sale at B&N and treat myself!


DrHutch22 t1_j20rg0t wrote

I use the Libby Library app to download the majority of my books. This helps a great deal regarding financial costs. But I’m also an Amazon Prime member, so I have unlimited access to tons of digital books for free as well. When I read paper books, I bought them from B&N but that became expensive VERY quickly.


The_Glassfields t1_j20sl7w wrote

Borrow what I can. If they dont have it or the wait list is too long, I buy it and then donate it after I’m done.


Dapper-End183 t1_j20tz76 wrote


Borrow from the library FIRST, and if the books is really good, then buy it. That’s what I do.


anngrant t1_j20uia6 wrote

Borrow from libraries


shakespeare_r1564 t1_j20wx8j wrote

for me, it all depends on how much the book is dear to me. if it is, i will buy it.


ColaEuphoria t1_j20z8ec wrote

I buy secondhand whenever I can. I probably should check out the library more, but most of the time when I need to borrow a book a friend/relative already offers to borrow theirs to me.


eschuylerhamilton t1_j216zmq wrote

I buy books. I don’t even have a library card.


LizzyWednesday t1_j21715u wrote

I'm a re-reader, so if I enjoy a book enough to re-read it, I'll purchase it, but ... I also use the library heavily, especially if I'm exploring a new-to-me author or genre, or going through an author binge (i.e. - the summer I decided to read most of Jennifer Weiner's back catalogue or when I read The Sandman in 2020) or whatever personal reading challenge I set for myself, like read more mysteries or try a contemporary romance, etc.

If I find I'm re-reading a book over the course of a checkout or renewing so I can re-read it, I'll add it to my wish list, either to purchase myself or receive as a gift.

So, for me, re-readability is a massive factor for purchase vs library checkout.


cloz89 t1_j2184rf wrote

Buy used books


Dry-Wrap-2512 t1_j21wc5h wrote

Both! And with no real strategy! Sometimes it’s a matter of I don’t want to wait for a library hold so I will just buy it to get it fast.


yarnsoup t1_j221fth wrote

I borrow books from the library first, and I’ll buy it if I really loved it!

The only books I buy right away are new books in a series I love and non-fiction books I want to reference frequently. For example, I’m learning to spin my own yarn, so I bought a few books about it so I can go back to them for info as I learn more. I think all the books I’ve bought this year are about yarn, actually!


Imightreadalotofbook t1_j22ww2p wrote

Here’s the thing reading books and buying books are two very different hobbies. If I was the kind of person to just read books yeah I wouldn’t blow all of my pay checks on books but now I’m addicted to buying the books. It’s like having a trophy saying look I did that I read that book. So yeah it’s probably really good you have enough self restraint to just borrow books!


hpghost62442 t1_j26dpkn wrote

80% of the books I read are from the library. I only buy if I really enjoyed it, I want to annotate in it, or if it's hard to find in my library system (mostly translated works). Also sometimes if it's a good deal 😅


tooshpright t1_j2bucbi wrote

Borrow when at all possible. I do not buy novels as I rarely read them twice. I do buy reference books and other non-fiction because yes, I may refer to them lots of times.


doorknoblol t1_j20q672 wrote

I buy books on kindle and return them lol
