
ankly98 t1_j8ks4qy wrote

The 212 by itself will not take you to the Hamden Shopping Plaza on Dixwell. You could, however, board the 212 bus and stay on as it reaches its last station Downtown. The bus should continue on as 238, which will take you to the Hamden Shopping Plaza. Alternatively, you can walk to Chapel St / Church St and just board the 238 there.

Download the transit app for better and clearer instructions for the bus. The bus is free till March 31, 2023 (for now).


ankly98 t1_j0ie7p9 wrote

I am sorry for what your family members have had to experience but there are good days and bad days for everything. Just like how Tweed could be normal on other days and today, a plane got stuck in the mud and closed the taxiway.

My flight out of Tweed to BWI was fine and smooth too. I guess I sat next to someone with a cat and I kept feeling something touch my legs? It just doesn't make for as good of a story to tell when everything works as it should.


ankly98 t1_j0huuos wrote

Yeah, it sucks cause Avelo knows they are the only airline servicing Tweed. You either put up with their "customer service", or deal with getting to/from JFK or BDL. With their cheaper price and New Haven location, they know customers will be back to take the gamble. So as customers our only choice is to either pay more for the "United/American/Delta" experience or play the game with Avelo and hope that everything goes well...


ankly98 t1_j0fipq5 wrote

I had a similar experience recently! If yall are interested, look up the flight map for XP 410 on Nov 25th.

We were supposed to fly out of Baltimore back to Tweed at 10 am. We boarded the plane and after pushing out, were told a heating element of the engine was not turning on so we had to return to the gate. We waited 2 hours for the 2 mechanics to come and fix the problem, just to be told that the plane was severely overweight and would not be able to land on the short runway at Tweed. Fuel was apparently cheaper down in Baltimore, and they just loaded the plane up (without making calculations regarding the pieces of luggage and souls on board?). We needed an oil truck to take the fuel out, but after waiting for more hours, were told that no oil truck could take the fuel. We proceeded to burn oil at the end of the runway and did loops above the ocean like it was the Indy 500. It was 6 pm when we arrived at Tweed, and I might have returned earlier if I had stayed on the Amtrak that took me to the airport. Over the PA I heard that the unlucky passengers flying to Florida would not receive their checked-in luggage until the next day, presumptively because we burned all that fuel up.

It's nice to be able to fly out so close to home, but they really need to do better maintenance on their fleet of planes. The first delay for safety, I do understand cause I do not want to fly on one engine. The second delay just feels like a mistake that was never addressed, as the pilot "never experienced anything like this in his career".