
t1_je9x7ie wrote

coming from a s21 ultra to the iphone 14 pro max, its 1000 times better. It works great, I did like the finger print scanner on the ultra but the face id is just better all around.


t1_je0jofa wrote

you obviously haven't been on iphone subs where they shit on android a lot lol. Look everyone is going to say things are better here or better there. Having used both, mostly recently the s21 ultra and now the 14PM. There are differences between the two of course, android does some things better in my opinion but others iphone does better. I switched because it was easier for me to send pics to my family and sharing things in general. I miss the customization at times from android but I think for me the sticking thing is that iphone always tries to say they are innovative and NEW at this and that, when the fact is its been done before and android has had it for years. I'm actually glad iphone is moving to doing the things that android has had for years to be honest, its about time. But at the end of the day it's a phone and it's a preference.


t1_jdvb6w8 wrote

I made the switch about 2 months ago myself, I had iPhone early till about the 4 and then switched to Android with the S4 all the way to the S21ultra. Yes there are things that Android does better and you have total free control over your phone. I thought I was going to miss those things but never happened. The keyboard, Ooh man I need a number row, don't miss it to much would be useful to have sometimes. I'm at the point where I just want something that works well with others, my family all had Iphones, wife and her family, my family I was the odd one out, and now its so much easier to communicate and send pictures with out losing the quality of the pics. So its just easier to use, and I love how when updates are available they are out day 1 and don't have to wait months to get an update. But if you miss it just go back, honestly who cares on here, its YOUR OWN preference and there is nothing wrong with that.


t1_j643nke wrote

is it cool to have yea, but is it a necessity no. There aren't many apps that use it..yet. I mean that will change as more developers will start to incorporate it. I like that I can put sports scores on the island and it shows the live score of games.


t1_j5ynvcv wrote

I had iphone from the first one till the 4. Switched to Samsung S4 until the S21 Ultra. Last week I switched to the 14PM. I didn't switch because my Samsung was buggy or the battery was bad, I have had a great experience with all my samsung phones, love the customization and how easy it is to sideload apps. I made the switch because my entire family, my wifes side, my side all have iphones and the communication would be better, and the sharing of pics and videos would be better as well. Also because iOS has made some changes and finally allowed you to customize somethings, lock screen, widgets etc.