
ashtobro t1_jb638wp wrote

Oh, Canada. How you never cease to fetishize colonialism. Gotta love how they go straight from calling Ogden a "lad" that "pushed and shoved" to mentioning the murder accusations. The article also calls his wife "not an easy catch" as it proceeds to talk about the price of buying her, then assures the reader how she voluntarily went along with what her husband/owner wanted.

Calling him one of the most important personalities in the fur trade may have some truth to it, but maybe give bastards like these the infamy they deserve instead of romanticizing colonialism. As a Métis, articles like these really feel like colonialist apologia/propaganda. And that's not even mentioning some of the comments...


ashtobro t1_j1qyxj4 wrote

I mean I know higher education is a bit different than regular/high school, but unless it's the best uni in the country or the world, I can't imagine imposter syndrome manifesting that way. I'd speculate that any discrepancies were a result of the ratio of men to women anyways, and/or the ensuing culture from the slightly men-centric survey pool.

For all I know they just felt a bit less welcome but OP was only checking for imposter syndrome, there's honestly so many questions and unknown variables that this data seems like utter gibberish to the scientific method. Also why even interview students? Why not post grads that either have or are struggling to find a career?


ashtobro t1_j1qx36s wrote

This data isn't very beautiful, both in style and substance. What's being surveyed doesn't even make sense in the context of your "findings," why and how can you measure levels of imposter syndrome in people *that haven't even gotten their degree yet?! Like why not survey post-grads??? Also the way the data was laid out is an assault on the eyes and mind. Not to mention you mixed and match sex and gender on a whim, even in a cisnormative world it's not very scientific to conflate categorically different groups like that.

I know this kinda shit is run of the mill for this sub, but that's kinda the problem. Reddit "scientists" survey or compare absolutely ridiculous things to come up with even more ridiculous conclusions, and many of them try graphs and crap to pass it off in subs like these. Many bootleg Reddit scientists are also bootleg graph designers; cuz it wouldn't be enough to just be a blight on academia, they just gotta ensure they suck with computers and or physically drawing the art too.