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loquacious706 t1_j1fqzj7 wrote

Are those not onion strings? And where can I get them?


Kokibuchek t1_j1i3hbg wrote

If you want to make them at home they are pretty easy. Just seasoned flour and onions, use buttermilk for extra crisp.


HGpennypacker t1_j1jzd3j wrote

Looks like shoestring onions to me.

EDIT: I'm now realizing that shoestring onions and onion strings are exactly the same thing, my new fact for the day


Blueshirt38 t1_j1h0we3 wrote

What the hell is wrong with a plate? You gotta cut and eat that thing on that tiny plank of wood?


antariusz t1_j1hp0ea wrote

There is a subreddit for that, I can’t remember the name, but it’s dedicated to mocking food plated on things that are not plates.


MiamiFootball t1_j1hq88w wrote

If I'm paying $100pp for a steak dinner, I'm asking them to put that on a plate.


mokujin42 t1_j1jfctq wrote

Plates don't soak in all that juicy bacteria like a wooden dish does


AlfredsLoveSong t1_j1invfg wrote

So if that piece of wood was just cut into a circle instead you wouldn't have a problem with it?

Some people are so weird about this. It's not a big deal to literally anyone other than the weirdos on that subreddit.


oasisjason1 t1_j1jfais wrote

Here's the problem, from a restaurant perspective. Wood is porous and difficult to clean properly. Thats why wood cutting boards aren't allowed under many health codes. Like many of the items used for "plates" these days you have to ask how was this cleaned after the last guy used it?


Blueshirt38 t1_j1ipjp6 wrote

Same question: if that odd cupped plank shape was ceramic, and still just barely large enough to hold all of those items, would you have a problem with it? It is literally more expensive and less useful than a plate.


AlfredsLoveSong t1_j1ipu2n wrote

The size is one thing. It's too small. Agreed.

The people who see food on non-ceramic/glass and throw a hissy fit like they've been somehow duped are weird and ill never see eye to eye with them.


Blueshirt38 t1_j1iq4jk wrote

Yeah the wood has nothing to do with it for me. It is the shape and size. Even a wooden bowl would be better than this.


BleezyB42o t1_j1i0tp5 wrote

Not to mention the bacteria that’s ingrained in that plank


AboveAverageIQtoo t1_j1gcczx wrote

I'd love to see how it's cooked in the middle


JohnRichJ2 t1_j1hokii wrote

usually it’s heated from the outside and the heat travels through the meat to cook the middle.


KoosKansloos t1_j1gzyi7 wrote

I can feel the bounce in that steak just by seeing that photo. I vote medium/rare


Grentis t1_j1h8ebq wrote

Onion straws, or just fried onions


darexinfinity t1_j1gli7i wrote

Nice steak but I'm more intrigued by the onion (st)rings.


ashtobro t1_j1h1sti wrote

I don't typically like onion rings, but those onion "strings" look pretty damn appetizing to me. They look like crinkle-cut fries, as opposed to the breaded sonic rings that are hit or miss for my taste.


Mulppyy t1_j1fii6j wrote

Sauce looks like peanut sauce but yum


Dartser t1_j1fsjxj wrote

The ol peanut butter steak


cC2Panda t1_j1gcdbm wrote

If it's like a satay it could be alright.


Pipupipupi t1_j1gfpte wrote

As long as it's not like George Washington's peanut soup we good


AnonEMoussie t1_j1fpx3r wrote

The looks like filet mignon au pouive! A steakhouse near me has something similar!


kanyeguisada t1_j1h10yn wrote

It doesn't though. No visible pepper and that sauce on the side doesn't look white enough to be a cream cognac sauce.


Brieble t1_j1hd9pj wrote

You ate onion rings with filet mignon


donteattheshrimp t1_j1hem2b wrote

This looks very nice. Clearly a decent mid/high end restaurant. So why, WHY, did they not de-stem the friggin spinach?


kejcao t1_j1hq5sw wrote

Those onion rings look so good!


Sapphire580 t1_j1hsvre wrote

I don’t mean to yuck anyone’s yum now partner, but that steak looks drier than a stiff noodle.


CapitalParallax t1_j1hzflq wrote

Looks like one of those shitty pretentious places.


BrownPerv15 t1_j1i8k82 wrote

Been feeling for a nice juicy steak


Preesi t1_j1imcgg wrote

Onion Rings remind me of The Beastie Boys


insidmal t1_j1jdul2 wrote

Those fried onions look amazing


-DAS- t1_j1heenp wrote

Sacrilege to overcook a steak like that.


deeringc t1_j1hlycm wrote

Who says it's overcooked? It's just seared. We can't tell for sure from the photo how the centre is, I'd wager it's at most medium - it's a thick cut.


[deleted] t1_j1hy2mi wrote



oasisjason1 t1_j1j62bq wrote

I have no issue with your comment but I downvoted you because I like piling on. Merry Christmas!


-DAS- t1_j1jbxni wrote

Seems to be a common theme on here. Oh well... Merry Christmas to you too!