
t1_jab3cja wrote

You’re not wrong and that’s a good point, lol I’m even nervous to tell people I’m an anthropologist because they then know I believe in evolution. But yea I agree better to have a high bar to accept theories than a low, because if it’s something that’s true it should be easily replicated with success to prove it, if not you may be grasping on a theory


t1_jaas2vc wrote

It’s not something promoted in intro courses as it opens up a conundrum, that being well what do you call the archaic/modern human that comes from it and so forth, probs not taught in 90s due to evolution bad hysteria then, colleges don’t like losing funding, maybe your profs sucked or were just of the 5% conservative anthropologists, idk odd they would say that


t1_ja9uk4t wrote

To people within the anth world this has a commonly known understood and accepted fact/theory for the past 50, it’s just all the non scientific people who doubt it, a certain group of people love to stifle or research and progress, hell we’re just sort of reaching the point where evolution is a commonly held belief


t1_iwpmpps wrote

Many people aren’t aware but a lot of people look down on this in the archaeology field including me, it’s literally just grave robbing and it’s not done for the knowledge that comes with it, it’s done to be able to sell your name and whatever artifacts and such you can pocket, rule number one of archaeology is you don’t profit off the dead’s belonging, and not mention in many cultures digging up and taking their things, ruins their souls in afterlife’s, and whether you believe it or not it must be respected


t1_iwjlcow wrote

Reply to Cthulhu by

Swear I saw this posted somewhere else like a week ago is this a repost or is OP going post crazy. . . to try and sell me something