atomicsnarl t1_jacyugm wrote
You could put it something like this:
"Ok guys, if we want to go further down this road, we have to be honest and take a hard look at our strengths and weaknesses. You all have contributed a lot to our group, and we need to get more focused. Where's your comfort zones? ..... Here's some of the feedback I'm getting from our listeners....."
The Beatles fired Peter Best and changed to Richard Starkey. They were able to make these type of decisions.
atomicsnarl t1_j6yieow wrote
Reply to Telescope choices by Successful_Ad3337
Before you spend the money on a decent starter telescope, pop over to Wally World, or maybe a sporting supply store and get a set of cheap (~25$) binoculars - pocket size or maybe a bit larger. It's a step up from naked eye viewing (and there's tons you can do with that) and will give you a good idea of what a full up scope can do for you. No sense spending more money than you have to, to get your foot in the door. Get a taste for how it works, and then you can make better choices.
Some resources to help you look at stuff:
atomicsnarl t1_j6lfbti wrote
Reply to Bird house or....... by Deep-Philosophy1135
Paige! No!
At least varnish it first.
atomicsnarl t1_j6leuc4 wrote
Bill and Doug McKenzie should be in high demand as advisors.
atomicsnarl t1_j6j5pkw wrote
Reply to comment by Kaz3girl4 in ELI5 Why do men pee in solid streams and women more or less gush out their pee? by Kaz3girl4
Works for my daughters and lots of country girls everywhere. Stand and Deliver!
atomicsnarl t1_j6g9rtx wrote
Reply to comment by Kaz3girl4 in ELI5 Why do men pee in solid streams and women more or less gush out their pee? by Kaz3girl4
The space between the inner lips from clitoris to vaginal opening is called the Vestibule. In a full squat, knees shoulder or more apart, the vestibule should open and you should get a direct stream from the urethra. On the toilet, use the saddle position (facing the wall/tank) to get the knees well apart if there's room. If you can't saddle, keep the knees apart and lean forward as best you can.
Once you're familiar with how this works, you can put your finger tips between the inner and outer lips as shown:
Vulva Drawing Permission granted for non-profit duplication and display.
Practice in the shower and eventually you can do this standing (mostly) with your knees out and hips rolled under. Starting with a strong stream helps. Good luck!
atomicsnarl t1_j6etnhp wrote
Reply to comment by chriswaco in TIL in the 1980s Monty Python got much of its exposure to the US through PBS, because of CBS censoring parts of "The Holy Grail" in a 1977 broadcast. This upset the comedy troupe, prompting them to withdraw the broadcast rights. by AnthillOmbudsman
Jane was ignorant, don't ya know?
atomicsnarl t1_j5x5ord wrote
Reply to TIL American WW2 airplanes were sent to war unpainted starting in 1943. The polished surface made the planes faster and lighter, giving more range to all planes and more cargo hold for the bombers by PatmygroinB
The comment about Pink British Recon aircraft was due the recon mission parameters. Those were flown near or just after sunset, and the pink was very hard to see against the western setting sun and twilight glow, as the German aircraft were flying from the East to inetrcept them. At that latitude (about 50 North), twilight could last more than and hour, so you've got a huge backdrop of orangish sky to hide against.
atomicsnarl t1_j4kp3lc wrote
Reply to comment by yeahnahnahyeet in TIL Aristarchus of Samos in the 3rd Century BCE was the first to present the model of the Sun as the center of our Solar system and also placed the other known planets in correct order of distance from the sun. He also correctly surmised that stars were other far distant suns. by CapnFancyPants
Or at least build a bridge out of him.
atomicsnarl t1_j311x5q wrote
Reply to Satellites watch 'atmospheric river' bring extreme rain to California — Satellites of the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) are monitoring the weather system, revealing its various aspects including wind speeds and expected amount of rain. by BlankVerse
It's important to understand "Average" weather for a region is a passing moment as it moves between extremes. Two areas can have an average of 70F, but one goes from 40F to 100F in a day, and the other goes from 65F to 75F.
10 years of Southwestern US weather is approximately six years of drought, two years of flood, and two years of decent. The drought ends with floods.
atomicsnarl t1_j27nyvc wrote
Reply to comment by welshmanec2 in TIL that an unknown 19th century Japanese artist painted a parody of the sacred scene of the Buddha's death that is commonly called the "Penis Paranirvana", in which the dying Buddha is replaced by a giant anthropomorphic penis being mourned by women and other penises. by JosephvonEichendorff
Vulva faces. FTFY
atomicsnarl t1_j2472l1 wrote
Reply to Why do Hollywood movies that criticize Hollywood itself or capitalism usually end up portraying it as awesome? by MentalDespairing
People enjoy watching train wrecks.
"Lord, that was horrible! Glad it wasn't me."
atomicsnarl t1_j0ologi wrote
Reply to The Bill C-18 Fallout: Liberal MP Lisa Hepfner Equates Linking to News Articles on Facebook to Theft by The1stCitizenOfTheIn
Billboards are theft. They recommend products you can only find in stores.
atomicsnarl t1_j0ixd0z wrote
Frankie and Johnny
She done him wrong!
atomicsnarl t1_ixzfnen wrote
Reply to My fubuki cosplay Violet_cosplay by No_Valuable_7444
Applause, applause!
And congratulations for using a very realistic bra (if any) rather than the smoosh 'em up and out type.
atomicsnarl t1_iugn0li wrote
I've always wondered why, if the alien was smart enough to mimic/occupy a human, why it just didn't communicate that way and say "take me to your leader" or some such.
Really! Or did the alien(s) who piloted the ship die and this thing was a space flea infestation?
atomicsnarl t1_iubyjxe wrote
Reply to comment by cjrs79 in ELI5: Morse code is made up of dots and dashes. How did telegraph operators keep from losing track of where one letter ended and another began? by copperdomebodhi
On the radio, how many songs can you recognize from just hearing the opening few seconds? It's like that. Some people can latch on to a phrase faster than just the dit dah sounds. If it works for you, it works.
atomicsnarl t1_iubssbf wrote
Reply to comment by JustaOrdinaryDemiGod in ELI5: Morse code is made up of dots and dashes. How did telegraph operators keep from losing track of where one letter ended and another began? by copperdomebodhi
Rhythm is a big part of Morse interpretation. From back in the WWII era, some Morse training was based on mnemonics for the letters. For example (from my Dad) with emphasis on the bold words:
F is .._. dit dit dah dit Payday to day
P is .__. dit dah dah dit The grand old bitch
and so on.
One of the openings for a general broadcast looking to make contact is CQ followed by your call sign.
C is _._. dah dit dah dit
Q is _ _._ dah dah dit dah (the inverse of F)
So CQ becomes: Can you hear me, answer my call
Which serves to show the pattern and remember the purpose of the letter combo!
And of course, the famous Beethoven's 5th Symphony opening:
V is ..._ dit dit dit dah -- V for victory! (WWII, remember?)
Most people can play Name That Song in however many notes. It's like that for Morse, and eventually whole words (the, and, or, go, etc.)
atomicsnarl t1_jea60oc wrote
Reply to comment by Micahman311 in “You’re so Vain” Confusion by TexitorFlexit
Wizard: "There are two guards. One tells the truth, one tells lies. We must learn which is which to get through the magic door!"
Ork kills one one of the guards, then demands of the other, "Is that man dead?"
Guard, trembling for his life, "Errr, no?"
Ork: "This guard the liar."
Rogue applauds.