
banhammerrr t1_jannpt0 wrote

The sad thing about the guy who commented is that they’ll take this as “persecution” and double down on their delusions. It’s in win in their book because to them, we’re just lost souls who are floating through life, destined to burn for all of eternity and us pointing out things they disagree with, is proof to them that they’re doing gods work.

The really sad thing is how they don’t understand basic history and refuse to acknowledge reality. It’s impossible arguing facts with a Christian in the same way that you can’t argue facts with an idiot. They don’t understand fact from fiction and would rather live in a fantasy than work with actual truth.


banhammerrr t1_jamguan wrote

I do know that and history has shown it for thousands of years… this isn’t a debatable topic. The Christian church has historically stomped out other religions / cultures and continues to do so. I’m sorry that your feelings are hurt by that but your religion literally enslaved and murdered the native people of north and South America just to colonize the region. The crusades saw millions killed in the name of your religion, Christian/Islamic wars have done the same, I can go on for literally the entire history of the religion.

So spare me your fake offense and at least realize the history of the faith you follow. If you want to talk about “modern times” and the “loud ones”. Where have all the “quiet ones” been to reign in the mainstream Christian right? You may not like it, but they are the same group as you. You may not act like them but to the rest of us living in reality, not believing in magic, you’re one of the same.


banhammerrr t1_jae93ce wrote

Ask for a breakdown of the costs, always ask questions. You probably paid a deposit and the last months rent or something like that. If you moved in half way though the month, the 250 sounds right but just ask for an explanation. Your lease will also tell you exactly what that 1300 was for and that should clear it up. You would probably owe the 600 + the 250 if that’s the case but just double check.

Good life advice, give people the benefit of the doubt but always make sure the numbers add up.