barelylegal_69 t1_j2f2m67 wrote
wait wait wait. you’re worried about moving to brooklyn? what about NYC would your kids be missing by living in brooklyn or even queens? you make it sound like manhattan is the only way to live in nyc.
barelylegal_69 t1_j1eijbz wrote
highly recommend the “fenty fainties” episode of true anon podcast. they go into tranq dope quite a bit.
also look at benzo dope. sort of similar dynamic. horrible stuff. we really are driving drug use down to the worst possible point. harm maximization.
barelylegal_69 t1_iwm81ly wrote
Reply to LA to NYC- excited to move but scared by [deleted]
metro north trains go from the city up the hudson river valley. it’s easy and cheap to get to somewhere like cold spring for a day hike and food after and you’ll be back in the city by like 6.
also i work in tech but most of my friends do different things. my work has zero impact on my social life.
as far as getting away from wannabe influencers, sorry to break it to you but that’s not gonna happen here lol. here
barelylegal_69 t1_itvikzo wrote
Reply to comment by TonysCatchersMit in No, it’s not a “perception”. I am absolutely, 100% less safe than I was in 2019. by TonysCatchersMit
just want to say, i do 100% empathize with you and everyone who is impacted by crime and stuff like this. and i get how it must feel to see people talking about statistics like they invalidate what you experienced.
barelylegal_69 t1_itvh2pb wrote
Reply to No, it’s not a “perception”. I am absolutely, 100% less safe than I was in 2019. by TonysCatchersMit
You really think electing Zeldin is gonna make any material change in your life in this regard?
That intermittent caps thing for me takes this from a heartfelt post about shitty stuff you’ve experienced or seen, into something a little more wack. it’s not a zero sum game you vs homeless crazy person.
barelylegal_69 t1_istv9mi wrote
Reply to "It was scary." Athletes, parents call for firing of Baraboo athletic director, criminal charges for others in vigilante incident by Imawildedible
that AD better get fired yesterday. and the neighbor who wasn’t there “the boys 100% deserved it” ok.
barelylegal_69 t1_j5k3dur wrote
Reply to Germany: 5 charged with treason in suspected terror plot. Public prosecutors said the suspects had planned to create "civil war-like conditions" in Germany. They are also accused of plotting to kidnap the health minister by DoremusJessup
there really are people out there who look at the world and think “i wish things were immeasurably worse here.”