
barristadept t1_j6oqbhv wrote

It should be easy to make that determination then. Halt the whale killing sonar and determine the cause before proceeding. It's hilarious that democrats would be bitching for the same thing if we were drilling for oil. But it's wind so a few whales deaths is worth it. Clown world.


barristadept t1_j6o18x5 wrote

There were many whales in the area through summer because of the amount of food in the NY Bight region. Nothing to do with climate change or over fishing. Those whales should have moved south by now. Why are they getting struck now and not when they were all over the place months ago? I think all people are asking for is to investigate the deaths (yes some were caused by boat strikes). If the ocean was being drilled for oil and these same whale deaths were occurring the Dems would put a stop to it. What a clown world.