
bcb1200 t1_jdxqks3 wrote


Move south towards the equator and you’ll get 6 am sunrise / 6pm sunset year round. Europe regularly gets 4 am sunrises in summer months in northern regions. Scotland. Scandinavia. Etc.

There are lots of studies and expert opinion that all support stopping the change. But only if it stays in standard time.


bcb1200 t1_jdxp4f9 wrote

Right and now that sunrise will change to 7:30/8:30 am if you keep it DST year round. After 9 am in Michigan.

Listen, say what you want. It was tried in the early 70s and everyone hated it so much it didn’t even last 1 year. That will happen again

It’s much better to have the sun rise at 4 am and set at 8 pm in summer than to have the sun rise at 8:30 am and set at 5:30 pm in Winter.


bcb1200 t1_jda8nc9 wrote

Anyone else see that Parking at commuter rail stations is another gap in this plan?

It would be one thing if the law forced towns to build within a 10 minute walk from the MBTA station. But the fact they are pushing this to neighboring towns means folks are going to need to drive to the T station and park. And at least near me there is no parking. Nor any plan or space for a nearby garage.

So…we will have these huge new housing developments in rural areas. And then folks will drive to the T station and park where, exactly?


bcb1200 t1_jda89ss wrote

Every town is different. Some towns have capacity available in their schools or infrastructure to absorb this with little incremental investment needed.

My town does not. Schools already at max capacity. There is no ability to absorb a couple hundred more kids without building a new school for $100+ million. In a town of <5000.

Fire department already too small and need a new one. This will mean we now need a bigger one. More teachers. More police. More DPW.


bcb1200 t1_jd8i17w wrote

Agreeing with other folks who replied to my comment.

To be clear, Mass folk aren’t unfriendly or rude. Just private. And it’s totally a cultural thing.

As a general rule, old school New Englanders are raised to really not talk about 1) money and 2) our feelings.


bcb1200 t1_jd7wloa wrote

Mass has a lot to offer. But don’t expect folks to be “friendly” like they are in the Midwest or the south.

Massholes tend to keep to themselves. I’ve heard transplants complain it can sometimes be difficult to meet new people / new friends after moving here.

As in “why are you talking to me, new person, I didn’t grow up and go to high school with you.”


bcb1200 t1_jd7t6zu wrote

Yes they do, but in rural farming communities the increased property taxes that are brought in are not enough to offset the capital expenditure required for the additional infrastructure needed (schools, sewer, fire/police), let alone the additional annual expenses for more police officers, teachers, DPW, etc etc.

This isn’t a feasible option for these communities unless the state funds these infrastructure investments.


bcb1200 t1_jd7brpd wrote

This is not a NIMBY argument. It is a fiscal argument.

Updated water and sewer costs millions upon millions to install. Who is paying for that?

More housing also fuels the need for more police, more fire / ems, bigger schools. For millions upon millions more.

These rural, farming communities also have little if any commercial tax base. So the costs falls directly upon residents whose taxes are already high.

So who is going to fund all the infrastructure development to meet the needs of this law? Are you? These towns and it’s residents literally cannot afford it.


bcb1200 t1_jbvgmrs wrote

North isn’t the issue. It’s the fact it’s in the western edge of the time zone.

Western Michigan is a 1-2 hour drive from Chicago. Except it’s still in the eastern time zone, and about 800 miles west from here.

Even though we’re in the same time zone the sun rises and sets about an hour later there than it does here. Because it’s so far west in the time zone.

So if we stay in summer hours year round the sun won’t rise there in December until about 9-10 am.