
beachmike t1_iu3qfou wrote

Societal collapses and apocalypses have been predicted countless times, and they've always been wrong. This latest prediction will be no different. AI, automation, and robotics will become a gigantic factor, providing virtually unlimited "workers" and labor.


beachmike t1_iter5ix wrote

You never heard of supervolcanos? You never heard of naturally occurring forest fires? There is NO correlation between CO2 levels in the atmosphere and the earth's temperature. What happened to the climate cultists screaming about "global cooling" and the upcoming man-made ice-age during the 1980s and 1990s? OH YEAH, DIDN'T HAPPEN. What happened to Al Gore's "temperature hockey stick"? OH YEAH, DIDN'T HAPPEN. What happened to the prediction in 2009 by Al Gore and many other climate clowns that the polar ice caps would be completely melted by 2014? OH YEAH, DIDN'T HAPPEN. Do you know why so many academic studies agree with the cult of climate change? Because if the people applying for climate research grants disagree with the status quo, they don't get funding. You need to GROW UP, GET EDUCATED, and ideally go through cult deprogramming.



beachmike t1_itcwfff wrote

Nonsense. The earth was far warmer in medieval times before humans even had an industrial civilization. What caused the warming then? The earth was even warmer during the era of ancient Rome. One major volcanic eruption puts more green house gases into the atmosphere than humans have during the entire span of human civilization. Research has shown there to be NO correlation between CO2 levels and the earth's temperature. See that big glowing yellow ball in the sky during the day? It's called the SUN, and it's what effects the climate far more than the activities of puny humans. The effect humans have on the climate are statistically insignificant. You belong to the cult of "climate change." It's your religion.


beachmike t1_itcjkz7 wrote

The technological singularity won't happen at any particular time or exact point in time. Using the Kurzweilian definition of the tech singularity, it's about an immense rate of technological change. There's no magic number.


beachmike t1_itcfs0w wrote

I agree with everything you're saying. Another thing to take into consideration is that the RATE of acceleration of technological change is itself increasing (the 3rd derivative), which, to my knowledge, Ray Kurzweil was the first to point out.


beachmike t1_itcelcf wrote

The climate is ALWAYS changing. In fact, it's impossible for the climate NOT to change. The important question is, to what extent are the activities of mankind responsible for climate change?


beachmike t1_it2etm9 wrote

I completely disagree. We absolutely SHOULD NOT stop AI advancements and benefits to mankind because of your hypothetical AI nightmares. All important technologies can be used for great good or great evil: the wheel, fire, nuclear power, computers, as well as AI. We don't "halt advancement" of these technologies because some evil people among us might abuse them. -


beachmike t1_it1l7ie wrote

How do ***YOU*** know the consequences of developing AI could be "disastrous"? You're making huge assumptions which other people are not making. What if my company can be very profitable selling a narrow AI that helps doctors make more accurate diagnosis, for example. You're telling ***ME*** that I should not sell this product because the consequences ***MIGHT*** have "disastrous" employment consequences in the future, even though it helps people have more accurate medical diagnosis and therefore better quality lives? That's absolutely ridiculous.


beachmike t1_isx6sdn wrote

AIs won't destroy humanity. If anyone or anything destroys humanity, it will be humans armed with technology being used for evil and sociopathic purposes. Fire is a great tool and a great weapon. Nuclear energy is a great tool and an even greater weapon. Advanced AI will be the greatest tool or the greatest weapon. It is HUMANS that will harness these tools for good or bad use. Every tool is a double edged sword.


beachmike t1_isx4t8p wrote

Now you're making little value judgments as to which advancement YOU deem worthy. Nevertheless, they are technological advancements that have become widespread over the last decade. It doesn't matter if they didn't happen EXACTLY within the last decade. Bottom line, we are no where near a tech "plateau." Advancements are unpredictable, and often happen in fits and starts.