
beaverbait t1_jad5dit wrote

That's not at all what I even joked about. I said the shitty company should pay them 150-200m if they are going to go against court rulings and build there anyway. Which would give them the option of moving and buying expensive properties which may be better than this will be, since they'll likely be forced out.

Again, I was joking but the joke wasn't that they should move and pay for their land but that they should be paid for it if it's being taken and not given back.

It's a ridiculous situation to have in 2023, but sadly not surprising.


beaverbait t1_jaaap17 wrote

Easy solution!

Have the energy corporation pay 150-200M euros to the reindeer folk to buy a nice plot of territory for them and buy some luxury barns as well. The wind farm comes out with half the cost of a worst case and the reindeer are filthy rich. Win-win.


beaverbait t1_j87wdun wrote

Thing about sin, if you believe in Jesus, is that we are all sinners. Jesus died to forgive those sins. Does she figure the mad lad just hopped up on the cross because the world isn't full of sinners? My man Jesus also had some good lessons about people in glass houses no tossing rocks around. She's a sinner too, since again, we all are, by Christian standards.

Anyway, idk what lesbian corn is, but that girl is dumber than a post.


beaverbait t1_j62ggoy wrote

Translation: "Customer data is an important commodity. We would like to continue selling it since they have no rights to privacy. We will work with the commission because we have litterally no other choice. Luckily the old fucks in government have no idea what personal actually is or how it can be used so this should be fine."