
t1_jdliakj wrote

I remember the first mushroom trip I took, my friends and I were sitting around a campfire, and when we started to come up we got caught in a loop just laughing like maniacs. I don't remember what we found funny, but I do remember feeling like I couldn't stop laughing, that I'd be stuck laughing forever. Actually a really unpleasant experience. Then I remember my one friend saying "this isn't good... this isn't good... did I die?" And that sent me on a horrifying experience where I had to confront my own mortality while tripping balls. But you're absolutely right. Once I accepted the experience, the trip took a complete 180. I eventually thought to myself "ok, so you're dead. But something or someone is still here, having this thought. So relax." Letting go and accepting the experience saved me. I just felt so full of love and connectedness for the remainder of the trip. It was the best and worst experience of my life.


t1_iy3np2r wrote

One of my favorite documentaries is called Sour Grapes. It's about this guy who defrauds all these rich pretentious d bags into thinking they're drinking these extremely rare vintage wines, and it's so satisfying watching them get taken for a ride. Check it out, should be on HBO Max.