
bigredplastictuba t1_iy6edje wrote

I was working at an assisted living home and all the new lake had to do a cpr class and I was the oldest one (like 32) in a room of like 19 y/os and they got to this segment, talking about throwing your choking self onto a chair, and the nearest gen z-er muttered to himself a heartfelt "that's savage" and I about lost my shit lol


bigredplastictuba t1_iufpoo6 wrote

Hi, I'm 37. I don't quite get it either. I think most "successful" people either like, had some amount of pressure or good influence from parents plus perhaps support/money, and some just have a thing they know they want to do so they do that. I had neither of those, so I faked my way through college, got into art stuff and culinary stuff after that, and one random day I sat down and decided it was time to be an accountant, so I went back to school. If you don't have a passion or thing you want to pursue yet, that's cool, just like, work and make money. But here's the trick. Do you ever look at your friends with fun passion jobs or careers, and you're jealous? And you look at people with "boring" jobs like bankers or something and go "well at least I'm not that guy"? Guess what, even "cool jobs" do boring shit all day long. Go do something boring. That was my logic.


bigredplastictuba t1_iuags1l wrote

Honestly I'm surrounded by the "witchy" community here so I've found ways to frame healthy personal advice as "spells" like this and getting my old roommates to actually clean up after themselves and stuff. "Oh you are trying to get a new job? You should like... sweep away all your bad luck... by sweeping the floors, and then get some really hot water and put some uh... mint and basil... and orange... and... some soap in it... and magically wash the floors with it while you visualize your goals" or "i find being late on rent generates really powerful negative energy that luckily is really easy to dissipate!"


bigredplastictuba t1_iu9mmsz wrote

Omgv though have you seen all the shares and memes going around that are like, shaming that approach? I constantly find myself in ops position, luckily pandemic allowed me to wean all these emotionally needy people out of my life, but they were constantly posting these cutesy things like "hi! Sometimes people just need to vent! DO NOT offer advice! It's not about you lol! Just shut up and listen - hair toss-" and I'm reading them sitting in my room shaking looking at my unread messenger notifications dreading people going "hi! So you have time to talk? Ok so bla bla AHEM PLEASE I DON'T NEED ADVICE I NEED A GOOD FRIEND TO LISTEN" sorry Jesus that shit was like TRAUMATIZING to me. I now deliberately only have like 1.5 friends. I wanted to tell them "hey if you just need someone to listen why don't you whisper your problems into a bottle and throw it into the ocean or something, this feels emotionally abusive to me"