
bigsquirrel t1_j9mvlxl wrote

How does this approach avoid just the one situation I thought of? Apple likes $$$ a lot. The moment they think they can avoid litigation and regulation they’ll add more features to sell more things.

For now it’s probably safe to assume the lawyers, product managers and developers at the worlds largest and most successful tech company have considered all of these things, they’re learning nothing new from an article about a dudes dog or people in the Reddit comments.


bigsquirrel t1_j9mv2e2 wrote

Apple decided everything they do is under much more scrutiny than most other manufacturers, this ridiculous article on a major news outlet is a perfect example. They did this for some simple reasons, to avoid lawsuits and regulation or more simply put $$$. “We’ll Timmy did it and he didn’t get into trouble” isn’t exactly a great argument in court.

Maybe those other manufacturers should have the same functionality but they can’t. Apple can, and in the case of litigation they’re covering their ass.


bigsquirrel t1_j9mtr5r wrote

Your wife agrees to the bag but you want to track her everywhere. So once she adds that tag you hide it in her purse. For some relationships that could lead to terrible things.

It’s painfully simple to abuse. How much risk and exposure does apple take to prevent people from getting a notification every 24 hours? I’m sure they have meetings and discussions about it. There’s certainly nothing altruistic. If they feel like they’ll make enough money from adding a family feature to cover the risk of its predictable and inevitable abuse then they will. They’ll have their lawyers lined up for the first lawsuit when a jealous spouse murders their partner etc.


bigsquirrel t1_j9msxvi wrote

Or it’s apple trying to walk an extremely tight line of something with so much potential for abuse and adding functionality. They’re fucked either way. Shit, this dude is getting alerts about his dog and it’s “news” on a major website FFS. Imagine if the add the family feature and it’s abuse ends up used for stalking. Which as others have pointed out would be very simple.

It’s just not as simple as “let people do what they want”.


bigsquirrel t1_iupyhjr wrote

Cell phone that plays mp3s? Just pointing out that the advantage of using a solar panels to power a record player is a little odd. As is the tech giants thing. None of that is really a thing. I have copies of my digital music locally and literally have a tiny device on me at all times that can easily be powered with a very small solar panel to play mp3s for days.