
bingosherlock t1_jdx5em5 wrote

> Different neighborhoods.

not quite. the north side is the area north of the allegheny river (what historically made up allegheny city) and isn't a proper neighborhood in itself so much as it is a collection of city neighborhoods. north shore is one of those neighborhoods. you can kind of get away with calling some of the other areas along the northern side of the river "north shore" if you're not talking strict neighborhood boundaries, but they're all part of the north side.

so you're always in the northside if you're in north shore, but you're not always in north shore if you're in the north side.


bingosherlock t1_j6b4vc8 wrote

i think some landlords inflate their rents because they know that incoming transplants with higher paying jobs will look at the high end of rental prices and think "well, if i want to live in a nice area, it can cost $xxxx." i have admittedly fallen for this before and i have definitely seen it in pittsburgh, even in shoddy flips that have no business being rented for the amounts asked

if it's a short term rental, maybe you could make an argument that you're paying for convenience. if you're here for the long haul (or even just a year or two) i suspect you could probably do just as well in location/amenities for a couple grand a month less


bingosherlock t1_j652e0r wrote

Reply to Modern Cafe by manmuscle

it's somewhat common for the doors at the modern to become "exit only" after a certain point in the evening when they want to wind down


bingosherlock t1_iudl8d8 wrote

I agree with this 100% and generally believe that most people are wildly underpaid these days, but I suspect the bigger issue in this specific case is more along the lines of trying to be both a 'vertical farming' company and a robotics company at the same time without the scale needed to make vertical integration worthwhile or the market needed to pay for the robotics part of the company

like if i spent $20 million on developing hair cutting robots and then opened a couple robot barber shops that made $500,000/year, you could accurately describe me as a revenue generating hair cutting company. that doesn't necessarily mean it's good business sense to keep pouring money into r&d. if the market for the robots isn't there or if the robots aren't even market-ready, it might just be a bad idea, even if the haircuts themselves are really good (or if the robots start making really good salads)


bingosherlock t1_iud64fp wrote

> Local effect of economic trends impacting growth start-up companies?

yeah i think if you're funded by VC money right now and aren't looking at being profitable in the short term, you might be in for a rough time. i get that fifth season was generating revenue, but that might not be enough to justify ongoing R&D costs or even enough to cover operational costs at the scale they were working in (pure, pulled-from-ass speculation here, please don't take it as fact.)

a lot of companies / investors seem to be bracing for the worst. couple that with interest rates rising and i wouldn't be looking for employment at VC backed jobs anytime soon.


bingosherlock t1_iud37vo wrote

there's a bunch of folks on linkedin effectively confirming this via posts about being laid off. ive not seen any official comms from the company itself, but it seems over.

i'm really into hydroponics and nerd shit, so i'm a bit sad this didn't work out. im wondering if maybe the scale needs to be significantly larger before all the nerd shit starts making financial sense?