
bjb13 t1_j6kcvlp wrote

I live in Bridgewater about two miles from Bedminster. They are nice bedroom communities. Not a place if you are looking for night life of any kind near where you live. Summerville is a nice small town in the middle of Bridgewater and has a bit more going on.

I’m happy here, but I’m old so take that for what it’s worth.


bjb13 t1_ix8fh6m wrote

What airline? A lot of them won’t let you checkin that early. Especially international carriers that only have one or two flights a day. For example Icelandair only opens their checkin counter 3 hours before their one flight a day and British only opens theirs 3 hours before their first flight in the evening.

Even if they are open, some won’t let you checkin that early. I flew from JFK to Madrid on Friday on Iberia and they weren’t going to let me checkin for their second flight until the previous one was done with checkin. Fortunately I have very good OneWorld status and only had carry on so the lady at the desk did it.